Article - Gwern LSD Microdosing RCT

1 min read

A different view of the mind

There’s this really interesting passage from the Gwern essay LSD Microdosing RCT which I felt motivated enough to take brief notes on.

Turns out that this is actually a snippet from a transcript of a podcast by Sam Harris, the author of Waking Up..

What does ‘The Doors of Perception’ argue the brain’s primary function is??

Eliminative, filtering out a potential vast, transpersonal dimension of mind.

Why could an eliminative brain be neccessary??

Survival could be impossible with a brain which didn’t filter anything, there’d be too much noise from irrelevant phenomena.

‘The Doors of Perception’ argues that psychedelics work by??

Preventing the brain from filtering as much.

Who wrote ‘The Doors of Perception’??

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley, who wrote ‘The Doors of Perception’, also wrote which other famous book??

Brave New World

date: 2020-09-16 20:02
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title: Article - Gwern LSD Microdosing RCT