Cat's Cradle

1 min read

Man tries writing Christian book about Hiroshima bombing. Man ends up on an island to do an interview but ends up destroying most life on Earth so he switches religion.

This book was a bit weird. It was really short but there were about 120 chapters, all a couple pages long. I liked it, but I wasn’t itching to keep on reading it if that makes sense.

I enjoyed [[Slaughterhouse 5]]?? more but I might just be biased because that’s the one my Dad suggested. I’m pretty sure one of the characters made an appearance again, the bird that goes “ptweet”.

This is the first book I read in 2021 though! And only in 8 days – online school has given me a bit more free time.

date: 2021-01-08 14:01
finished: true
rating: 7
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title: Cat's Cradle