MAT - Paper 2012 - Q3

1 min read


The normal equation of a cubic is $$ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d$$ When trying to find a cubic (or really any function) with certain properties, why shouldn’t you stick to using this??

Because you can often use the properties the answer must have to come up with a much more concise representation.

Instead of $$x^3 + ax^2 + bx + c$$ what could you use to represent a cubic you know has to have a repeated root at $x = 0$??

$$ x^2(x - t) $$

If the distance between the two stationary points of a cubic is $d$, and you’ve constructed a new cubic with the stationary point at the origin, where must the next stationary point be??

$$ 0 + d = d $$

date: 2021-08-15 16:54
summary: what properties does a cubic constructed from the stationary points of another have?
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title: MAT - Paper 2012 - Q3