MAT - Paper 2016 - Q3

1 min read



How could you write a general polynomial in sigma notation??

$$ \Sigma^d_{i = 0} c_i x^i $$

How can you sometimes prove that something works for all polynomials??

Show that it works for individual terms and then consider how other terms can be added on.

What is the first fundamental theorem of calculus??

That you can differentiate an integral to retrieve the original function.

What is the second fundamental theorem of calculus, in terms of $f(x)$??

$$ \int^b_a f(x) \text{d}x = F(b) - F(a) $$

date: 2021-10-13 16:14
summary: what does it mean for a function to be bilateral?
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title: MAT - Paper 2016 - Q3