Computing - Functional Programming

1 min read

See Also


What is the domain of a function??

The set from which you can choose inputs.

What is the co-domain of a function??

The set from which outputs come from.

How can you conceptualise a function as a mapping??

A function maps the domain to the co-domain.

If the variables in a program are immutable, what can you say about the program??

It is stateless.

What is referential transparency??

Where you can replace the value of a function call with the value returned.

What is a higher-order function??

A function that takes a function as an argument or returns a function.

What is a predicate function??

A function that returns only true or false.

What is the function called that a higher-order filter calls in order to decide if something is allowed in the list??

A predicate.

What does a fold function do??

Recursively combine elements of the list.

What does head [1,2,3] return??
What does tail [1,2,3] RETURN??

date: 2021-03-11 11:11
- '@?computing'
- '@?public'
- '@?school'
title: Computing - Functional Programming