Computing - Graphs

2 min read
In summary, what is a graph??

An abstract data type representing complex relationships.

What is an undirected graph??

A graph where the edges don’t specify a direction.

What does an edge represent in a graph??

A relationship between two nodes.

What is an edge weight??

A numerical value associated with an edge.

What does an edge weight commonly represent on a graph representing a map??

The distances between two places.

What is a directed graph??

A graph where relationships can point one way only.

What is the technical definition of a graph??

A set of nodes connected by edges.

What’s another name for nodes in a graph??


What’s another name for edges in a graph??


What’s another name for a directed graph??

A digraph.

What are the two ways of representing a graph??
  • Adjancency matrix
  • Adjancency list
How does an adjancency matrix represent a graph??

A two-dimensional array where a value at $[\text{row}, \text{column}]$ represents a connection.

In the adjancency matrix \[ \begin{table}[]\begin{tabular}{llll} & A & B & C \ A & & 1 & \ B & & & \ C & & 1 & \end{tabular}\end{table}\], what does the second cell represent??

A connection from $B$ to $A$.

What is special about the adjancency matrix for an undirected graph??

The matrix will be symmetric.

What is the advantage of an adjacency matrix??

It’s simple to work with.

What is the disadvantage of an adjancency matrix??

A sparse graph will have a lot of empty cells which wastes memory space.

How does an adjacency list represent a graph??

A dictionary containing the nodes and list of the other nodes it points to.

What is the advantage of an adjacency list??

It only stores the connections that exist so it’s more space-efficient.

What’s the best way to represent a large, sparse graph??

Using an adjacency list.

What does connected mean in the context of graphs??

Each node is linked to another node.


When might you want to use an adjacency list instead of adjacency matrix??

When the adjacency matrix is sparse.

date: 2020-11-05 11:05
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title: Computing - Graphs