Computing - Network Hardware

2 min read

See Also


What are the equal chunks of data called that are transmitted around a network??


What does packet switching allow??

Packets to take the fastest route across a network.

What is the purpose of a router??

To forward data packets from one network to another.

What does your home router connect your network to??

The ISP’s network.

What is the name for transfering across a network using a router??

A hop.

How do routers know which new router to send a packet to??

Using a routing table.

What is the segment of data in a packet called??

The payload.

What two IP addresses are in the header of a packet??
  • The sender’s IP address
  • The recipient’s IP address
How does the recipient know what a packet contains??

The header contains the protocol.

How does the recipient know how to order the packets it recieves??

The header contains the packet number.

What are the three sections of a packet??
  • Header
  • Payload
  • Trailer
How does the trailer part of a packet allow you to verify the data??

They contain a checksum.

Why are packets kept small??

So that individual packets don’t take too long and slow down the other packets.

Why aren’t packets made super small??

Because otherwise you’d waste a lot of space with headers and trailers.

What part of a packet header limits the amount of time it’s allowed to take??

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date: 2021-02-11 11:19
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title: Computing - Network Hardware