Computing - Thick and Thin Clients

2 min read

See Also


What is a thick client??

A computer that does its own processing.

What is the main advantage of a thick client??

It doens’t rely on a network.

Why might thick clients not be appropriate for running software which costs money??

Because you might have to have a seperate license for each computer.

Why are thick clients more difficult to maintain??

They require individual maintance to make sure they are up to date.

What is a thin cilent??

A computer that relies on the network for any significant processing or storage.

What’s another name for a thin client??

A dumb terminal.

Why are thin clients useful for running software which costs money??

You only need one license since it’s being run from the server.

Why are thin clients easier to update??

You only have to update the server rather than each individual computer.

Why are thin clients easier to setup??

There’s not much setup to add a thin client to the network.

What is the main disadvantage of a thin clinet??

They must be connected to the network to operate.

Why do you need a powerful network to run thin clients??

There is lots of traffic and processing from all the thin clients.

date: 2021-02-05 11:19
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title: Computing - Thick and Thin Clients