Computing - Trees

3 min read
What is a tree??

A connected, undirected graph with no cycles.

What is a binary tree??

A rooted tree where each node has at most two children.

What type of data type is a tree??

An Abstract Data Type.

What three terms are used for both actual trees and computer science trees??

Root, branches and leaves.

What is the definition of the root of a tree??

The only node that doesn’t have a parent node.

What is the definition of a child of a node??

The nodes that come after a parent.

What are the definition of a leaf of a tree??

The nodes that don’t have children.

What is the definition of a subtree??

The tree formed when you think of a child as its own rooted tree.

What kind of relationship does a tree represent??

A hierachy.

What’s another name for leaves of a tree??

Terminal nodes.

When constructing a binary tree for strings, how should you sort the tree??

Strings alphabetically before a root should go on the left, strings after should go on the right.

To store a binary tree, what three things should you store for each node??
  • The left pointer
  • The right pointer
  • The data itself
Why is traversal best done recursibely

Any node with children can be thought of the root of a subtree.

What are the three depth-first traversal stratagies??
  • Pre-order
  • Post-order
  • In-order
What are the 3 steps for pre-order traversal??
  • Root
  • Left subtree
  • Right subtree
What are the 3 steps for post-order traversal??
  • Left subtree
  • Right subtree
  • Root
What’s another way to think about post-order traversal??

A bottom-up traversal.

What are the 3 steps for in-order traversal??
  • Left subtree
  • Root
  • Right subtree
Where should the dot go for pre-order traversal??


Where should the dot go for post-order traversal??


Where should the dot go for in-order traversal??


What’s the easy way to perform a traversal algorithm by hand??

Trace around the tree visiting dots as specified by the traversal method.

What does the traced version of PHOTO look like??


What does the traced version of PHOTO look like??


What does the traced version of PHOTO look like??


What is special about in-order traversal??

It recieves the data according to its inherent sequence.

If you use in-order traversal on an alphabetically sorted tree, what is special about the result??

The nodes are visited in alphabetical order.


In a representation of a tree as three arrays, what do the three arrays represent??
  1. Data
  2. Left pointers
  3. Right pointers
In a representation of a tree as one array, what does the array contain??

Classes/records with data and left/right pointers attached.

date: 2020-11-06 12:30
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title: Computing - Trees