Further Maths - Conic Sections

6 min read



How can you form a parabola from a cone??

Slice it parallel to its slope.

Why must you slice a cone PARALLEL to the slope to form a parabola??

Otherwise you’d either get an ellipse or intersect the cone twice and get a hyperbola.

What is the parametric equation that defines a parabola??

$$ x = at^2 $$ $$ y = 2at $$

When thinking about parabolas as a conic section, is it better to think of them symmetrical around the $x$-axis or $y$-axis??


What is Cartesian definition of a parabola??

$$ y^2 = 4ax $$

What is the focus-directrix definition of a parabola??

The locus of points that are the same distance from a fixed focus to a fixed straight line called the directrix.

What is the focus of a parabola??

The point that the locus must be the same distance to from the directrix.

What is the directrix of a parabola??

The line that the locus must be the same distance to from the focus.

What are the co-ordinates of the focus for a parabola $y^2 = 4ax$??

$$ (a, 0) $$

What is the equation of the directrix for a parabola $y^2 = 4ax$??

$$ x + a = 0 $$

What is the vertex of a parabola??

Its turning point.

What is the axis of a parabola??

Its line of reflectional symmetry.

What are the co-ordinates of the vertex for a parabola $y^2 = 4ax$??

$$ (0, 0) $$

What is the Cartesian equation of the parabola with focus $(7, 0)$ and directrix $x + 7 = 0$??

$$ y^2 = 28x $$

If the focus of a parabola is $(5, 0)$, what is the equation of the directrix??

$$ x + 5 = 0 $$


Rectangular Hyperbola

How can you form a rectangular hyperbola??

Slice the cone perpendicular to its base so that it intersects both halves.


How can you form a hyperbola from a cone??

Slice the cone so that you intersect both halves.

What are the two sections of a hyperbola called??


What does the graph of a rectangular hyperbola look like on a pair of axes??


What is the nice, implicit equation for a rectangular hyperbola??

$$ xy = c^2 $$

What is the parametric equation for a rectangular hyperbola??

$$ x = ct $$ $$ y = \frac{c}{t} $$

What is special about a rectangular hyperbola compared to a normal hyperbola??

The asymptotes are perpendicular to eachother (consider how the axes meet).

Where are the two asymptotes for a rectangular hyperbola??

At $x = 0$ and $y = 0$.

What type of curve is $xy = 64$??

A hyperbola.

What is $c$ for $xy = 8$??

$$ c = 2\sqrt{2} $$


What two techniques could you use to work out the gradient at a point on a parabola $y^2 = 4ax$??
  1. Implicit differentiation and rearranging
  2. Parametric differentiation


How can you find the slope of the tangent to a rectangular hyperbola $(ct, c/t)$??

Use parametric differentiation.

How can you prove that a parabola is the locus of points an equal distance away from a focus and a directrix??

Set up a statement saying that the distances are equal and rearrange for $y^2 = 4ax$.


If the line with equation $y = mx + c$ is a tangent to the parabola with equation $y^2 = 4ax$, how could you show $a = mc$??

Set the $y$s equal to each other and use the fact the discriminant must be equal to $0$.

What is the general Cartesian equation for an ellipse??

$$ \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1 $$

In order to work out $a$ and $b$, what must every Cartesian ellipse equation be equal to??

$$ 1 $$

If $$4x^2 + 9y^2 = 36$$ how could you work out the values of $a$ and $b$ for the ellipse??

Divide both sides by $36$.

What is the parametric equation for an ellipse $$\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1$$??

$$ (a\cos t, b\sin t) $$

What is the general Cartesian equation for an hyperbola??

$$ \frac{x^2}{a^2} - \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1 $$

What are the two possible parametric equations for a hyperbola $$\frac{x^2}{a^2} - \frac{y^2}{a^2} = 1$$??

$$ (\pm a \cosh t, b \sinh t) $$ $$ (a \sec t, b \tan t) $$

What is the advantage of using the $(\pm a\cosh t, b\sinh t)$ parametric equations over $(a \sec t, b \tan t)$a??

You don’t need to specify a domain for $t$.

What is the domain for $t$ in the parametric equations for a hyperbola $(a \sec t, b \tan t)$??

$$ -\pi \le t < \pi, \t \ne \pm \frac{\pi}{2} $$

Where are the asymptotes of a hyperbola $$\frac{x^2}{a^2} - \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1$$

$$ y = \pm \frac{b}{a} x $$

Why aren’t most hyperbolas “rectangular” hyperbolas??

Because their asymptotes aren’t perpendicular to one another.


What is the eccentricity of a conic section??

The ratio of the distance to the focus vs the distance to the directrix.

If $$\frac{\text{distance to focus}}{\text{distance to directrix}} = e$$ how can you work out the distance to the focus given the distance to the directrix??

$$ \text{distance to focus} = e \times \text{distance to directrix} $$

If $e = 1$ then what conic section do you get??

A parabola.

If $e < 1$ then what conic section do you get??

An ellipse.

If $e > 1$ then what conic section do you get??

A hyperbola.

What’s the general strategy for showing that a certain conic section has Cartesian equation given the locations of the foci and directrices??

Show that the squared distances are equal to a ratio.

When working out the eccentricity of an ellipse, what do you need to consider??

Whether $a > b$ or vice versa.

Why is it important whether $a > b$ or $b > a$ when working out the foci and directrices of an ellipse??

Because it’s like the ellipse has been rotated, so the foci and directrices need to be rotated too.

When $a > b$ what are the coordinates for the foci of an ellipse in terms of $a$ and $e$??

$$ (\pm ae, 0) $$

When $b > a$ what are the coordinates for the foci of an ellipse in terms of $b$ and $e$??

$$ (0, \pm be) $$

When $a > b$ what are the equations for the directrix of an ellipse in terms of $a$ and $e$??

$$ x = \pm \frac{a}{e} $$

When $b > a$ what are the equations for the directrix of an ellipse in terms of $b$ and $e$??

$$ y = \pm \frac{b}{e} $$

If you’ve got to this stage $$x^2(1 - e^2) + y^2 = a^2(1 - e^2)$$ when proving the Cartesian equation of a hyperbola, how can you flip it so you have a minus sign in front of the $y^2$??

Multiple the $(1 - e^2)$

$$ x^2(e^2 - 1) - y^2 = a^2(e^2 - 1) $$


How would you show that a certain parametric equation satisfies some sort of $$f(x, y) = g(x, y)$$??

Substitute in the parametric equation for both sides and verify that they’re equal.

date: 2021-10-05 16:32
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title: Further Maths - Conic Sections