Further Maths - Conjugates

2 min read


A pair of complex numbers with a different sign but otherwise the same values are called conjugates:

$$ 3 + 4i 3 - 4i $$

What are complex conjugates??

A pair of complex numbers with real and imaginary parts equal in magnitude but opposite in sign:

  • $a+bi$ and $a-bi$
What is a pair of complex numbers $a+bi$ and $a-bi$ called??

A complex conjugate.

What is the result of multipling complex conjugates??

You get a real number.

The difference of two squares.

What is the result of adding complex conjugates??
  • You get a real number.
  • $(a+bi)+(a-bi) = 2a$
What is the result of subtracting complex conjugates??
  • You get an imaginary number.
  • $(a+bi)-(a-bi) = 2bi$
What is $z + z^{\ast} for $z=(a+bi)$??


What is $z - z^{\ast}$ for $z=(a+bi)$??


What is $zz^{\ast}$ for $z=(a+bi)$??

$a^2 + b^2$.

Q: What is $(3 + 4i)(3 - 4i)$??

$$ 25 $$

Q: What is $(3 + 4i) + (3 - 4i)$??

$$ 6 $$

Q: What is $(3 + 4i) - (3 - 4i)$??

$$ 8i $$

What is the conjugate of a real number??


What is $x^{\ast}$ where $x \in \mathbb{R}$??


What does $z^{\ast}$ mean??

The complex conjugate of $z$.

What is the notation for the complex conjugate of $z$??


How can you divide complex numbers??
  • Using complex conjugation to convert the denominator to a real number
  • Multiply the top and bottom by the complex conjugate of the denominator

date: 2020-09-07 19:07
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title: Further Maths - Conjugates