Further Maths - Series

3 min read


Core 1

Core 2


What is a series??

A sum of sequential terms.

What is the notation for series??
  • Sigma notation
  • e.g. $\sum^{n}_{r = 1} n$
How do you write $n$-th term at A-level??

$$ U_r = f(r) $$

What sequence does $\sum^{n}_{r = 1} (3r - 1)$ describe??

$$ 2, 5, 8, 11… $$

What is $\sum^3_{r = 1} (2r)$??


What is the name for a summation of a sequence??

A series.

$1 + 4 + 7 + 10…$ is a…??

A series.

$1, 4, 7, 10…$ is a…??

A sequence.

How can you find the sum of a series that starts at $r = k$??

$$ \sum^{n}{r = 1} f(r) - \sum^{k-1}{r=1} f(r) $$

How can you rewrite $\sum^{n}_{r=k}$??

$$ \sum^{n}{r=1} f(r) - \sum^{k-1}{r=1}?? $$

What is $\sum^{n}{r=1} f(r) - \sum^{k-1}{r=1} f(r)$ equivalent to??

$$ \sum^{n}_{r=k} f(r) $$

How can you rewrite $\sum^{n}_{r=1} kf(r)$??

$$ k \times \sum^{n}_{r=1} f(r) $$

What’s an alternate form of $k \times \sum^{n}_{r=1} f(r)$??

$$ \sum^{n}_{r=1} kf(r) $$

How could you rewrite $\sum^{n}_{r = 1} (f(r) + g(r))$??

$$ \sum^{n}{r=1} f(r) + \sum^{n}{r=1} g(r) $$

What is $\sum^{n}_{r=1} k$ the same as??

$$ k \times n $$

How could you rewrite $\sum^{25}_{r=1} (3r + 1)$??

$$ 3 \sum^{25}_{r=1} r + n $$

How can you find the sum of a series that starts at $k$, not $1$??

$$ \sum^{n}{r=k} f(r) = \sum^{n}{r=1} f(r) - \sum^{k-1}_{r=1} f(r) $$

What’s another way of writing $\sum^{n}_{r=k}$??

$$ \sum^{n}{r = 1} f(r) - \sum^{k - 1}{r = 1} f(r) $$

How do you deal with something other than $n$ at the top of the $\Sigma$, like $\sum^{4n-1}_{r=1}$??

Instead of substituting $n$, you subsititue $4n-1$ into the formula.

What’s the value of $\sum^{2n}_{r=1} 5$??

$$ 10n $$

If you show $\sum^{4n-1}{r=1} (3r+1) = 24n^2 - 2n - 1$, what’s the first step to solving $\sum^{7}{r=1} (3r+1)$??

First solve:

$$ 4n - 1 = 7 4n = 8 n = 2 $$

If $\sum^{n}{r=1}$ is linear, the expression for $\sum^{n}{r=1} r$ is…??


If $\sum^{n}{r=1}$ is linear, the expression for $\sum^{n}{r=1} r^2$ is…??


If $\sum^{n}{r=1}$ is linear, the expression for $\sum^{n}{r=1} r^3$ is…??


How could you simplify $\frac{1}{6}n(n+1)(2n+2)$??

$$ \frac{1}{3}n(n+1)^2 $$

date: 2020-09-14 10:29
page: 43
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title: Further Maths - Series