Maths - Integration by Substitution

2 min read

See Also


$$\int (x+2)^5 dx$$ What subsitution could you make in terms of $u$??

$$ u = x + 2 $$

If $u = x + 2$, what is $\frac{du}{dx}$??

$$ \frac{du}{dx} = 1 $$

If $u = x + 2$ and $\frac{du}{dx} = 1$, what is $dx$??

$$ du $$

$$\int (x+2)^5 dx$$ If $u = x+2$ and $du = dx$, how could you rewrite the integral??

$$ \int u^5 du $$

$$\int u^5 du$$ What is this equal to??

$$ \frac{u^6}{6} + c $$

$$\frac{u^6}{6} + c$$ Can you reverse the subsitution $u = x + 2$??

$$ \frac{(x + 2)^6}{6} + c $$


If the subsitution for an integral is $u = x^2$ and the bounds are $[2, 4]$, what are the new bounds??

$$ [4, 16] $$

$$\int \sqrt{1 + x^2}$$ What subsitution would you make??

$$ u = \sinh x $$

$$\int \sqrt{1 - x^2}$$ What subsitution would you make??

$$ u = \sin x $$


$$ u = \cos x $$

$$\int \sqrt{x^2 - 1}$$ What subsitution would you make??

$$ u = \cosh x $$

$$\int \sqrt{4 + 4^2}$$ What subsitution would you make??

$$ u = 2\sinh x $$

date: 2021-03-29 10:15
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title: Maths - Integration by Substitution