Maths - Interval Notation

1 min read


PHOTO OPEN INTERVAL What is this in interval notation??

$$ (a, b) $$

PHOTO CLOSED INTERVAL What is this in interval notation??

$$ [a, b] $$

PHOTO HALF CLOSED LEFT What is this in interval notation??

$$ [a, b) $$

PHOTO HALF CLOSED RIGHT What is this in interval notation??

$$ (a, b] $$

$$(a, b)$$ What is this as an inequality for $x$??

$$ a < x < b $$

$$[a, b]$$ What is this as an inequality for $x$??

$$ a \le x \le b $$

$$[a, b)$$ What is this as an inequality for $x$??

$$ a \le x < b $$

$$(a, b]$$ What is this as an inequality for $x$??

$$ a < x \le b $$

What type of brackets are used for a closed interval??

Square, $[]$

What type of brackets are used for an open interval??

Circular, $()$

date: 2021-08-09 18:32
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title: Maths - Interval Notation