Mechanics - SUVAT Equations

1 min read

See [[Physics - SUVAT Equations]]S , it’s largely the same.

If you have two cars which decelerate the same amount ($a$) over the same distance ($s$), which SUVAT equation can you use??

$$ v^2 = u^2 + 2as $$

Two cars, $A$ and $B$, have a $100ms^{-1}$ and $80ms^{-1}$ velocity respectively. Car $B$ reaches a final velocity of $0ms^{-1}$. Car $A$ reaches a final velocity of $x\, ms^{-1}$. They decelerate the same amount ($a$) over the same distance ($s$). What two SUVAT equations can you come up with??

$$ 0^2 = 80^2 + 2as $$

$$ x^2 = 100^2 + 2as $$


What is $9.8\times2$??

$$ 19.6 $$

What is $9.8\div2$??

$$ 4.9 $$


You are told that PHOTO ROBOT It seems like there’s one equation with two unknowns. How can you find $k$??

Use the fact that the velocity at $k$ must be equal for both curves.

date: 2020-10-06 18:23
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title: Mechanics - SUVAT Equations