Maths - Multiple Trig Solutions

3 min read

See also:

What’s the easiest way to answer a question about mutliple trigonometry solutions??

Draw an accurate graph.

After how many degrees does $\sin(\theta)$ repeat??

$$ 360^{\circ} $$

After how many degrees does $\cos(\theta)$ repeat??

$$ 360^{\circ} $$

After how many degrees does $\tan(\theta)$ repeat??

$$ 180^{\circ} $$

When drawing a $\tan$ graph, what should you sketch first??

The asymptotes.

Where are the asymptotes on a $\tan$ graph, in degrees??

Start at $90^\circ$ and then repeat every $180^{\circ}$.

What is the value of $\sin$ at the origin??

$$ 0 $$

What is the value of $\cos$ at the origin??

$$ 1 $$

What is the value of $\tan$ at the origin??

$$ 0 $$

How could you write $\tan\theta$ in terms of $\sin$ and $\cos$??

$$ \frac{\sin\theta}{\cos\theta} $$

If $\cos 90^{\circ}$ is zero, why is $\tan 90^{\circ}$ undefined??

Because $\tan\theta = \frac{\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}$ and you can’t divide by $0$.

PHOTO TRI HYP 1 How could you write the length of the opposite side?


PHOTO TRI HYP 1 How could you write the length of the adjacent side?


PHOTO TRI SHALLOW ADJ This diagram shows a triangle where $\theta$ is approaching $0$. What is the value of $\cos\theta$ approaching??

$$ 1 $$

PHOTO TRI SHALLOW OPP This diagram shows a triangle where $\theta$ is approaching $0$. What is the value of $\sin\theta$ approaching??

$$ 0 $$

PHOTO TRI LARGE ADJ This diagram shows a triangle where $\theta$ is approaching $90^{\circ}$. What is the value of $\cos\theta$ approaching??

$$ 0 $$

PHOTO TRI LARGE OPP This diagram shows a triangle where $\theta$ is approaching $90^{\circ}$. What is the value of $\sin\theta$ approaching??

$$ 1 $$

PHOTO TRI HYP 1 What proportion of the hypotenuse is the opposite side??

$$ \sin\theta $$

If your calculator gives you $x$ as a solution to $\sin^{-1}$, what are the three other solutions??

$$ 180 - x $$

$$ -180 - x $$

$$ -360 + x $$

If your calculator gives you $x$ as a solution to $\cos^{-1}$, what are the three other solutions??

$$ 360 - x $$

$$ -x $$

$$ -(360 - x) $$

$\cos^{-1}$ has solutions $x$ and $360 - x$. Because $\cos\theta = \cos-\theta$, what are the other two solutions??

$$ -x $$

$$ -(360 - x) $$

If your calculator gives you $x$ as a solution to $\tan^{-1}$, what are the other two solutions??

$$ x + 180 $$

$$ x - 180 $$

How could you find one solution of $\sin(2\theta) = 0.1$??

$$ \frac{\sin^{-1}(0.1)}{2} $$

How could you find one solution of $\sin(\theta + 30^{\circ}) = 0.1$??

$$ \sin^{-1}(0.1) - 30^{\circ} $$

date: 2020-11-25 16:36
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title: Maths - Multiple Trig Solutions