Maths - Quadratic and Straight Line Intersections

1 min read
How do you find the intersection for something like $y = 5 - 2x$ and $y = 3x^2 + 5x - 3$??
  • Set them equal to each other and simplify.
  • $5 - 2x = 3x^2 + 5x - 3$
What’s the most amount of times a straight line and a quadratic could intersect??
What’s the least amoount of times a straight line and a quadratic could intersect??
A line of the form $y = mx+c$ with one point of intersection with a quadratic has what relationship??

That line is a tangent to the parobala.

Why isn’t a straight line with one point of intersection necessarily a tangent??

Consider a straight line like $x = 5$, which passes through a parobala but is not tangent.

date: 2020-09-21 18:35
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title: Maths - Quadratic and Straight Line Intersections