Maths - Recurrence Relations

1 min read

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What is a recurrence relation??

A definition of a sequence that depends on the previous terms.

If you specify $$U_{k+1} = U_k + 7$$ what must you also specify for it to define a sequence??

$$ U_1 = … $$

What does it mean for a recurrence relation to be decreasing in terms of $U_{n + 1}$ and $U_n$??

$$ U_{n + 1} < U_n $$

What does it mean for a recurrence relation to be increasing in terms of $U_{n + 1}$ and $U_n$??

$$ U_{n + 1} > U_n $$

What does it mean for a sequence to be periodic??

The terms repeat in a cycle.

What is the informal definition of the order of a periodic sequence??

The amount of terms between repeats.

What is the formal definition of the order of a periodic sequence??

The value of $k$ where

$$ U_{n + k} = U_n $$

for all $n \in N$.

date: 2021-10-09 18:29
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title: Maths - Recurrence Relations