Maths - Set Notation for Inequalities

1 min read
What does the set ${x \colon x < 6.5}$ describe??

All numbers that are less than $6.5$.

What does the set ${x \colon x > -2}$ describe??

All numbers that are greater than $-2$.

How could you write the set for all numbers less than or equal to $5$??

$$ { x \colon x \le 5 } $$

How could you describe $-2 \le x < 6.5$ as one set??

$$ { x \colon -2 \le x < 6.5 } $$

How could you describe $-2 \le x < 6.5$ as the intersection of two sets??

$$ { x \colon x > -2 } \cap { x \colon x < 6.5 } $$

How can you describe two inequalities that have been “stuck” together using set theory??

The intersection of two sets ($\cap$) for each condition.

How can you describe two inequalities that are seperate and can’t be combined using set theory??

The union of two sets ($\cup$) for each condition.

What should you always do when working with multiple inequalities??

Draw a number line.

date: 2020-11-02 19:28
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title: Maths - Set Notation for Inequalities