Maths - Sine Rule

2 min read
What is the sine-on-top form of the sine rule??

$$ \frac{\sin(A)}{a} = \frac{\sin(B)}{b} + \frac{\sin(C)}{c} $$

What is the sine-on-bottom form of the sine rule??

$$ \frac{a}{\sin(A)} = \frac{b}{\sin(B)} + \frac{c}{\sin(C)} $$

Where is angle $A$ in relation to the side $a$??


Where is the side $c$ in relation to the angle $C$??


How do you draw something like “quadrilateral $ABCD$”??

Draw the quadrilateral and label the sides moving clockwise.

Why can you sometimes draw two different triangles when using the sine rule??

Because $\sin(\theta) = \sin(180 - \theta)$.

PHOTO What relationship does this graph represent??

$$ \sin(\theta) = \sin(180 - \theta) $$

How do you start the proof of the sine rule??

Draw a vertical line $h$ that goes from one vertex of the triangle and intersects another at $90^{\circ}$.

If $\sin(A) = \frac{h}{b}$ and $\sin(B) = \frac{h}{a}$, then how could you turn it into the sine rule??

$$ h = b\sin(A) $$

$$ \sin(B) = \frac{(b\sin(A))}{a} $$

$$ \frac{\sin(B)}{b} = \frac{\sin(A)}{a} $$

PHOTO How could you write $sin(A)$ in terms of $b$ and $h$??

$$ \sin(A) = \frac{h}{b} $$

PHOTO How could you write $sin(B)$ in terms of $a$ and $h$??

$$ \sin(A) = \frac{h}{a} $$

If the sine rule has two solutions, then the two angles will be what??
  • Obtuse
  • Acute

date: 2020-11-18 10:04
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title: Maths - Sine Rule