Stats - Data Collection

1 min read
What is qualatitive data??

Non-numerical values.

What is categorical dtaa??

Non-numerical values.

What’s an example of qualititive data??


What is quantitive data??

Numerical values.

What is discrete data??

Data that can only have specific, numerical values.

What’s an example of discrete data??
  • Shoe size
  • Number of children
What is continious data??

Data that can take any decimal value within a specified range.

What is continious qualititive data??

That doesn’t exist.

In $20 \leq w < 70$, what does $20$ represent??

The lower class boundary.

In $20 \leq w < 70$, what does $w$ represent??

The variable.

In $20 \leq w < 70$, what does $70$ represent??

THe upper class boundary.

What is $20 \leq w < 70$ in stats??

The class interval.

What is the midpoint of $20 \leq w < 70$??
What is the class width of $20 \leq w < 70$??

$70 - 20 = 50$.

date: 2020-09-29 09:43
- '@?stats'
- '@?year-1'
- '@?public'
- '@?school'
title: Stats - Data Collection