Maths - Triangles in a Co-ordinate System

1 min read
When working with triangles in a co-ordinate system, the most important step is??

Drawing a sketch.

How can you prove that a triangle is right-angled in a co-ordinate system??

Find the gradients of the lines and prove two are perpindicular.

How can you prove two lines are perpindicular??

Show their gradients multiply to give $-1$.

How can you prove that a triangle is isoceles in a co-ordinate system??

Show two lines have the same length.

What step is often forgotten in proving a triangle is isceles in a co-ordinate system??

Not showing that there is at least one length different from the other two, otherwise it would be equilateral.

What does the notation $|AB|$ represent in terms of co-ordinate systems??

The length of line $AB$.

date: 2020-09-21 18:20
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title: Maths - Triangles in a Co-ordinate System