Physics - Calculating Acceleration Due To Gravity

3 min read
What is the _word- equation for weight??

$$ \text{weight} = \text{mass} \times \text{gravitational field strength} $$

What is the symbol equation for weight??

$$ W = mg $$

The equation $W=mg$ is a special case of which more general formula??

$$ F = ma $$

What are the two different units for $g$, the acceleration due to gravity??

$$ \frac{N}{kg} \\ ms^{-2} $$

Which SUVAT equation would be the most useful for calculating $g$??

$$ s = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2 $$

When using $s = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2$ to calculate $g$, how can you simplify the equation??

$$ s = \frac{1}{2}at^2 $$

How could you rearrange $s = \frac{1}{2}gt^2$ for $g$??

$$ \frac{2s}{t^2} $$

What’s the simplest experiment you could perform to measure $g$ using $s = \frac{1}{2}at^2$??

Drop an object from a known height and measure the time it takes to fall.

If an object takes $0.1s$ to fall $1m$, how could you calculate $g$??

$$ \frac{2 * 1m}{0.1s^2} $$

How could you improve the inaccurate timing of a simple drop experiment for calculating $g$??
  • Use light gates
  • Use a trapdoor
  • Use a phone camera
How could you reduce the effect of air resistance in a drop experiment for calculating $g$??

Use a streamlined object.

Instead of doing repeats for a single height, what are the two main reasons it is better to do varying heights??
  • You can plot a graph:
    • Can identify outliers
    • Drawing a line of best fit is like taking an average
If you wished to plot a series of displacements ($s$) and times ($t$) for a drop experiment for calculating $g$, what would your axies be??
  • $s$, along the x-axis
  • $t^2$, along the y-axis
Why is it better to plot for $t^2$ rather than $t$ when doing calculating $g$??

Because it means the graph produced will be a straight line and you can calculate $g$ by finding the gradient.

When using the equation $s = \frac{1}{2}at^2$ to calculate error, what are the two sources of error??
  • Displacement
  • Time
How can you ensure that the displacement is measured accurately when calculating $g$ using a drop experiment??
  • Ensure the ruler is level
  • Check for zero errors
How can you ensure that the time is measured accurately when calculating $g$ using a drop experiment??
  • Use light gates
  • Use metal trapdoor
What is more accurate, using a metal trapdoor or light gates for calculating $g$??

Using light gates.

What three SUVAT variables do you know when calculating $g$ using light gates??
  • $s$, displacement
  • $u$, inital velocity
  • $v$, final velocity
What SUVAT equation do you use when calculating $g$ using light gates??

$$ v^2 = u^2 + 2as $$

Why might an electromagnetic trapdoor method for calculating $g$ be inaccurate??

Because there may be some delay in the switch being toggled and the ball dropping.

What are the three methods for calculating $g$, in worst-to-best order??
  1. Simple use of a timer and ruler
  2. Using an electromagnetic trapdoor
  3. Using light gates and a timer card

date: 2020-10-13 14:57
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title: Physics - Calculating Acceleration Due To Gravity