Physics - Collisions in 2D

2 min read
What is the formula for the vertical component of a momentum $p$??

$$ p\sin\theta $$

What is the formula for the horizontal component of a momentum $p$??

$$ p\cos\theta $$

If an object with mass $m_1$ is travelling in a straight line with velocity $v_1$, what is its momentum??

$$ m_1v_1 $$

If an object with mass $m_1$ is travelling at an angle $\theta_1$ to the $x$ direction with velocity $v_2$, what is its momentum??

$$ m_1v_1\cos\theta_1 $$

What is true about $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ for two identical masses in a 2D collision??

$$ \theta_1 + \theta_2 = 90^{\circ} $$

If two objects have the same mass, what angle do they make with each other in a 2D collision??

$$ 90^{\circ} $$

What is true about momentum in a 2D collision??

It is conserved in both the $x$ and $y$ directions.

How are collisions in 2D similar to projectiles??

You treat the horizontal and vertical components seperately.

What is the vertical component of momentum for an object moving only in the $x$ direction??

$$ 0 $$

After a collision, one object has mass $m_1$ and velocity $v_2$ at an angle of $\theta_1$. The other object has a mass $m_2$ and velocity $v_3$. What is the horizontal component of momentum after the collision??

$$ m_1v_2\cos\theta_1 + m_2v_3\cos\theta_2 $$

After a collision, one object has mass $m_1$ and velocity $v_2$ at an angle of $\theta_1$. The other object has a mass $m_2$ and velocity $v_3$. What is the vertical component of momentum after the collision??

$$ m_1v_2\sin\theta_1 + m_2v_3\sin\theta_2 $$

$$m_1v_2\sin\theta_1 + m_2v_3\sin\theta_2 = 0$$ How could you rewrite this??

$$ m_1m_2\sin\theta_1 = -m_2v_3\sin\theta_2 $$

date: 2021-01-12 14:59
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title: Physics - Collisions in 2D