Physics - Combining Vectors

1 min read

Combining Vectors

Combining Vectors is [[Physics - Resolving Vectors]]S in reverse, or vice-versa.

What is the golden rule for adding vectors??

Always add vectors tip to tail.

Combine these vectors, a boat moving $10kmh^{-1}$ across a $10kmh^{-1}$ flowing river PHOTO??


  • $\sqrt{10^2 + 10^2} = \sqrt{200} = 10\sqrt{2} kmh^{-1}$
When can Pythagoras be used to combine two vectors??

When two known forces are at a right angle.

How can you work out the angle between two forces??

Using trigonometry.

Visualise a diagram for a train travelling along a $2^{\circ}$ towards a $200m$ summit??


How could you find the length of the slope in this diagram PHOTO??
  • $\sin 2 \circ = \frac{200}{x}$
  • $x = \frac{200}{\sin 2 \circ}$

date: 2020-09-21 18:52
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title: Physics - Combining Vectors