Physics - Misc

2 min read
When is terminal velocity reached??

When the resultant force on a falling object is zero.

What’s the formula for percentage difference??

$$ \text{percentage difference} = \frac{\text{actual} - \text{yours}}{\text{actual}} $$

What’s an alternative to the words more/less or goes up/down in Physics??


What’s an alternative to the phrase “balanced forces”??

Net force or resultant force is zero.

What is the centre of gravity??

The point on an object at which the entire weight of the object may be considered to act.

What is the centre of mass??

The point on an object at which mass can be considered to be concentrated.

When can the centre of mass be different to the centre of gravity??

If the object in question is not in a uniform gravitiational field.

When asked to critique an experiment, what should you look at first??

The sources of uncertainty.

What is a disadvantage of wind power over tidal power??

Wind power requires wind to function.

What is the differential of $s = \frac{1}{2}at^2$??

$$ v = at $$


If you travel faster than the speed of waves caused by walking through water, what happens to the water in front of you??

It builds up in amplitude.


Which is heavier, a proton or an electron??

A proton.

What is the mass of an electron??

$$ 9.1\times10^{-31} $$

What is the speed of light??

$$ 3\times10^{8}ms^{-1} $$


What additional piece of equipment do you need alongside light gates??

A datalogger.

date: 2020-10-05 18:34
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title: Physics - Misc