Physics - Moles

2 min read


What does Avagadro’s constant represent??

The number of atoms in $12$ grams of Carbon-12.

What is one mole of a substance??

An amount in which the number of atoms/molecules is equal to Avogadro’s constant.

What is the molar mass of a substance??

The mass per mole of a substance.

How do you find the mass of one atoms from its mass number/nucleon number??

Divide the mass number by Avogadro’s constant.

What is a nucleon??

A proton or a neutron.

What is the mass number??

The number of protons or neutrons in the atom.

$$^{35}_{17} Cl$$ Which number is the mass/nucleon number?/

$$ 35 $$

How can you calculate the number of particles from the number of moles of a substance??

$$ \text{number of moles} \times \text{Avagadro’s constant} $$

What is the molecular mass of a substance??

The mass of one molecule/atom of that substance.

What is the value of Avogadro’s constant??

$$ 6.02 \times 10^{23} $$

How many atoms are there in one mole of $^{12}C$??

$$ 6.02 \times 10^{23} $$

How many atoms are there in one mole of $^{35}Cl$??

$$ 6.02 \times 10^{23} $$

How many grams are there in one mole of $^{12}C$??

$$ 12g $$

How many grams are there in one mole of $^{35}C$??

$$ 35g $$

What is $N$ (the number of atoms/molecules) in terms of $n$ (the number of moles) and $N_a$ (Avogadro’s constant)??

$$ N = n \times N_A $$

What is $m$ (the mass of a substance) in terms of $n$ (the number of moles) and $M$ (the molar mass)??

$$ m = n \times M $$

date: 2021-11-08 16:48
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title: Physics - Moles