Physics - Objects in the Universe

2 min read



What are the four characteristics of a planet (ORFC)??
  1. It is in __O__rbit around a star
  2. It has a mass large enough that gravity makes it __R__ound
  3. It has no __F__usion reactions
  4. It has __C__leared its orbit of most other objects
What is the difference between a planet and a dwarf planet??

A dwarf planet has not cleared its neighbourhood.

What is an asteroid??

An small, uneven and un-icy object that orbits the sun.

What are planetary satellites??

A body in orbit around a planet.

What are the two big categories of planetary satellites??
  • Moons
  • Satellites
What are comets??

Small, icy and irregular bodies made up of ice that orbit the sun in mainly eccentric elliptical orbits.

What sort of orbit does a comet have??

Highly eccentric and elliptical.

What are the two main differences between an asteroid and a comet??
  • Comets are icy, whereas asteroids aren’t.
  • Comets have highly eccentric and elliptical orbits, whereas asteroids have near-circular orbits.
What is a solar system??

One or more stars with planets orbiting.

What is the mnemonic for the order of the planets??
  • My
  • Very
  • Eager
  • Mother
  • Just
  • Served
  • Us
  • Noodles
What is the order of planets from the sun??
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
What is a nebula??

A giant, diffuse cloud of dust and gas.

date: 2022-01-18 18:11
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title: Physics - Objects in the Universe