Physics - Pressure

2 min read

See also:

What is the word formula for pressure??

$$ \text{pressure} = \frac{\text{force}}{\text{area}} $$

What are the units of pressure??

pascals, $\text{Pa}$

What is one Pascal equal to??

$1Nm^{-2}$, one Newton per square metre.

What is atmospheric pressure approximately equal to??

$$ 1\times10^{5} Pa $$

What is the symbol formula for pressure??

$$ P = \frac{F}{A} $$

What is a fluid??

A gas or a liquid.

What is the symbol formula for the pressure in a fluid??

$$ P = \rho h g $$

What is the word formula for the pressure in a fluid??

$$ \text{pressure} = \text{density} \times \text{height} \times \text{gravitational field strength} $$

If you have a cylinder with cross-sectional surface area $A$ and height $h$, what is the formula for its volume??

$$ V = A \times h $$

If you have a cyclinder with volume $V$ and density $\rho$, what is the formula for its mass??

$$ m = V\rho $$

If you have a cyclinder with mass $m$, what is the formula for its weight??

$$ W = m \times g $$

If you have a cylinder with weight $w$ and cross-sectional surface area $A$, what is a formula for the pressure in the fluid??

$$ P = \frac{w}{A} $$

What is the symbol formula for pressure in a fluid??

$$ P = \rho h g $$

What seems “magic” about the formula for pressure in a fluid??

The surface area does not matter.

Why does the surface area part of the pressure in a fluid equation dissapear??

Because the area component of volume cancels out:

$$ \frac{\rho g h \text{\sout{A}}}{\text{\sout{A}}} $$

What is the word formula for pressure in a fluid??

$$ \text{density} \times \text{height} \times \text{gravitational field strength} $$

What does $\rho$ represent in the pressure in a fluid equation??

The density of the fluid.

What assumption are you making for the pressure in a fluid equation??

That the density of the fluid stays constant.

date: 2020-11-09 14:18
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title: Physics - Pressure