Physics - Vectors and Scalars

2 min read
What is uniform acceleration??

Where the acceleration is constant during motion.

What is non-uniform acceleration??

Where the acceleration changes during motion.

Vector’s quote in Dispicable Me is??

“I commit crimes with both direction and magnitude”

Mass is a vector/scalar quantity??


Energy is a vector/scalar quantity??


Velocity is a vector/scalar quantity??


Speed is a vector/scalar quantity??


Displacement is a vector/scalar quantity??


Distance is a vector/scalar quantity??


How could you describe the velocity of a object moving at a constant speed in a circle??
  • Constantly changing velocity and therefore accelerating.
  • Because the object is changing direction and velocity is a vector.
What does the distance-time graph look like for an object moving in a circle at a constant speed??


What does the displacement-time graph look like for an object moving in a circle at a constant speed??


What is the biggest difference between physics at GCSE and at A-level??
  • GCSE is thinking in one dimension
  • A-level is thinking in two
What is the definition of a vector??

A vector has both a direction and a magnitude.

What is the definition of a scalar??

A quantity with only a magnitude??

What is the No.1 rule for adding vectors??

Always add them tip to tail.

What is the definition of velocity??

The rate of change of displacement.

What is the definition of acceleration??

The rate of change of velocity.

What is the average velocity for any motion where you return to the starting point??

$$ 0ms^{-1} $$

Why is the average velocity for any motion where you return to the starting point $0ms^{-1}$??

Because displacement is a vector and so the overall displacement for the motion will be $0m$.

What is the change in velocity for a ball that falls downwards at $20ms^{-1}$ and bounces upwards at $10ms^{-1}$??

$$ 30ms^{-1} $$

date: 2020-09-10 11:15
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title: Physics - Vectors and Scalars