Physics - Wave-Particle Duality

2 min read

See Also


What’s the evidence that light exists as a particle??

The photoelectric effect.

What’s the evidence that light exists as a wave??

They form diffraction patterns.

What’s the evidence that electrons exist as a wave??

They form diffraction patterns.

What would you expect when firing electrons through two slits if they are a particle??

There should be two bright spots and no inteference pattern.

What do you get when you fire electrons through two slits??

An inteference pattern.

What three pieces of equipment do you need to use to demonstrate electrons can act like waves??
  • Electron gun
  • Thin graphite grating
  • Luminescent screen
What happens for the fringe spacing in a diffraction pattern created by fast-moving electrons??

It is small.

What happens for the fringe spacing in a diffraction pattern created by slow-moving electrons??

It is large.

What is the formula for the de Broglie wavelength $\lambda$ of a particle with mass $m$ and velocity $v$??

$$ \lambda = \frac{h}{mv} $$

What’s another way of thinking about the de Broglie wavelength in terms of momentum??

$$ \lambda = \frac{h}{\text{momentum}} $$

date: 2021-06-09 15:37
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title: Physics - Wave-Particle Duality
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