Physics - Young's Modulus

2 min read


What is a loading and unloading curve??

A graph that shows how extension varies with force as a material is being stretched and released.

PHOTO LOADING UNLOADING RUBBER BAND Why is there a difference between the loading and unloading curves for an elastic band??

More work is done stretching (loading) the elastic band than releasing (unloading) it.

PHOTO LOADING UNLOADING RUBBER BAND What is the loop formed between the unloading and loading curves called??

A hysteresis loop.

What is tensile stress??

The force applied per unit cross-sectional area of a material.

What is the formula for tensile stress??

$$ \sigma = \frac{F}{A} $$

What are the units for tensile stress??

Pascals or $Nm^{-2}$.

What is tensile strain??

The ratio of the original length of a material to the extension.

What is the formula for tensile strain??

$$ \epsilon = \frac{x}{L} $$

What are the units for tensile strain??

It’s a ratio, so it has no units.

PHOTO STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH In simple terms, what does this graph show??

How much a force per unit area will extend an object.

PHOTO STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH What does $P$ represent??

The limit of proportionality.

PHOTO STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH What does $E$ represent??

The elastic limit.

PHOTO STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH What do $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ represent??

The yelid points.

PHOTO STRESS-STRAIN GRAPH What does $UTS$ represent??

The ultimate tensile strength.

What is the Young’s modulus of a material??

The ratio of stress to strain for a material.

How can you work out the Young’s modulus from a stress-strain graph??

It’s the gradient of the initial linear region.

What’s the formula for the Young’s modulus??

$$ E = \frac{\sigma}{\epsilon} $$

What are the units for the Young’s modulus??

Pascals or $Nm^{-2}$.


What is the UTS of a material??

The maximum stress a material can withstand before fracture.


What is true about the breaking stress of different objects made from the same material??

It is the same.

date: 2021-03-29 18:05
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title: Physics - Young's Modulus