
I recently set up analytics on this website and for my projects ( [[Projects]]B ). I opted to use Shynet, a free and open source analytics platform, and Caddy, a modern web server written in Go that automatically handles HTTPS. Here’s what the end result looks like: Summary Setup Installing Caddy with Extra Modules using xcaddy Installing Shynet docker-compose.yml .env nginx.conf Tying everything together Finding and replacing Issues with gzipped responses Issues with finding/replacing Why Shynet?
12 min read
The problem How you can fix this How you can stop this happening again System Preferences (macOS Only) VS Code iTerm (macOS Only) Why I’m writing this The problem I ran into this problem where markdown headers were only rendering properly intermittently. The problem looked like this: Here’s the README of a project I’ve been working on before I fixed the problem: And here it is after I fixed the problem:
4 min read
No. The game No fun The question How can you prove it? Representing the board Checking for winners Crunching the numbers Conclusion The game 3D noughts and crosses, or 3D tic-tac-toe, is a variant of the classic game where you play on a $3 \times 3 \times 3$ cube. It’s easiest to represent this with three separate grids, where you can win in each grid individually but also get diagonals and straight lines through the cube.
10 min read
⚠️ This blog post is not finished and is a work in progress. ⚠️ General Thoughts Workflow Things that weren’t intuitive to learn The Good The Bad Cloud Support Sharing from a phone Sharing from a computer No inserting in PDFs Features that would be nice Exporting or indexing highlights in documents Conclusion The reMarkable 2 is an E-ink tablet that you can use for taking handwritten notes on as an alternative to paper.
4 min read
Now 2022-02-17 Trying to cram some coursework in and go over some new topics for my A levels. Also messing around with SageMath to explore why the roots of the equation $9^{2x} = 27^{x^2 - 5}$ form a hyperbola on an Argand diagram and trying to find a series solution for $e^x \ln x = a$ that is a bit more applicable than the slowly converging and narrow $x = e^{\sum^\infty_{n = 1} \sum^\infty_{k = 0} \frac{(-1)^k k^{n-1} x^n}{k!
1 min read
See also: [[My Experience with the Online Imperial Admissions Process]]B . I’m writing this post because I had a lot of questions about the specifics of the Oxford online interview and admissions process, but didn’t really find much super-concrete information. For some context, I made my UCAS application on October 11th 2021 to the following universities: Oxford, Mathematics and Computer Science Imperial, Mathematics and Computer Science UCL, Mathematics and Computer Science Southampton, Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence Bristol, Mathematics and Computer Science I have now received an A*AA offer from Oxford, which I’m really happy about.
5 min read
This a list of my projects, i.e. things I’ve spent time working on in the past. They’re loosely sorted by how exciting I think they are. For the most part, all of the code is available on my GitHub and my GitLab. On projects that you can try out right now in the browser, you can either click the link in the text or just click on the image. aqa++ go-albatross sergeant eulers 3d-noughts-and-crosses cal8 life gofu** go-lmc stacked timetable Works in Progress human-synthesizer map epq Older Projects punk function-mirror genetic-tea store-destruct genocides zombies corporate-jargon-generator midi-to-sonic-pi bad-video-calculator CodePen Quite Boring jump jbook spotify-song-cleaner aqa++
10 min read
These are a few blog posts that I hope people might find interesting. A lot of them are a work in progress, or don’t exist at all. For brief explanations of things I’ve worked on in the past, see [[Projects]]B . Blog posts with a “⚠️” are either a work in progress, and posts with a “✍️” haven’t even been started yet. 2022 Jan: [[A Dangerous Way of Taking Derivatives]]B Feb: [[Can you ever draw in 3D noughts and crosses?
1 min read
See also: [[My Experience with the Online Imperial Admissions Process]]B . I’m writing this post because before my interview I had a lot of questions about what it was going to be like, but couldn’t really find much information from people who had already had one. For some context, I made my UCAS application on October 11th 2021 to the following universities: Oxford, Mathematics and Computer Science Imperial, Mathematics and Computer Science UCL, Mathematics and Computer Science Southampton, Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence Bristol, Mathematics and Computer Science And received a Imperial offer for A*A*AA with Grade 2 STEP requirements.
6 min read
⚠️ This post still needs writing. ⚠️ Backlinks [[Using the reMarkable 2 as an A-level Student]]B [[Blog Posts]]B [[Projects]]B [[A-Level Notes]]S [[How to get around]]M Metadata date: 2021-09-29 15:22 tags: - '@?blog' - '@?public' - '@?safe-to-post-online' - '@?todo' title: Sergeant, applying spaced application to A-levels
1 min read
⚠️ This post still needs writing. ⚠️ Backlinks [[Blog Posts]]B [[Projects]]B [[AI: A Modern Approach]]N [[A-Level Notes]]S [[The Scout Mindset]]N [[How to get around]]M [[Book Notes]]N Metadata date: 2021-09-29 15:21 tags: - '@?public' - '@?safe-to-post-online' - '@?blog' title: Albatross, how I take notes
1 min read
⚠️ This post still needs writing. ⚠️ Backlinks [[Blog Posts]]B [[How to get around]]M Metadata date: 2021-09-29 15:21 tags: - '@?blog' - '@?public' - '@?safe-to-post-online' title: Anki, applying spaced repetition to A-levels
1 min read