
See Also Flashcards What is representational abstraction?? Removing unnecessary details. What is abstraction by generalisation?? Grouping and making assumptions about common characteristics. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-09-30 14:31 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?public' title: Computing - Abstraction
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Turing Machines]]S Flashcards What is an insoluble problem?? A problem that is impossible to solve. What are the time complexities for a tractable problem?? Polynomial time, e.g. $O(n^2)$ or $O(n^3)$ What is an intractable problem?? A problem where the computational demands grow so quickly that it’s impossible to solve non-theoretically. What sort of time complexities does an intractable problem have?? Exponential. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-04-28 10:20 tags: - '@?
1 min read
See Also Flashcards What does Dijkstra’s algorithm find?? The shortest path from every node to a goal node. What are the three columns of the table that get filled in for Dijkstra’s algorithm?? Vertex, shortest distance, previous vertex What is shortest distance to the goal node from the goal node when running Dijkstra’s algorithm?? $$ 0 $$ What is the shortest distance to the goal node from any node but the goal node at the start of Dijkstra’s algorithm?
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Recursion]]S Flashcards What are the three rules of recursion?? Base condition The function calls itself Finite amount of runs What is the main disadvantage of recursion?? It uses a lot of memory on the stack. Metadata date: 2021-04-19 16:07 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?school' - '@?public' title: Computing - Recursion
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Functional Programming]]S Flashcard What is big data?? Data that is collected on such a large scale that it cannot easily be analysed. What are the three Vs of Big Data?? Volume Velocity Variety What does Volume mean in Big Data?? Data is huge, too big to be handeled on one server. What does Velocity mean in Big Data?? Data is created very quickly. What does Variety mean in Big Data?
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Big Data]]S Flashcards What is the domain of a function?? The set from which you can choose inputs. What is the co-domain of a function?? The set from which outputs come from. How can you conceptualise a function as a mapping?? A function maps the domain to the co-domain. If the variables in a program are immutable, what can you say about the program?? It is stateless.
1 min read
What is the main limitation of HTTP communication?? The client has to request the data for it to be sent. What is the advantage of WebSockets?? It is full-duplex. Why are smaller packets in the WebSocket protocol beneficial?? Because the connection can be faster. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S [[How to get around]]M Metadata date: 2021-03-02 10:04 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?school' - '@?public' - '@?networking' title: Computing - Client/Server Model
1 min read
What is the TCP/IP stack?? A set of rules to format a message so it can be sent over a network. What are the four layers in networking?? Applicatoin Transport Internet Link What does ATIL stand for in networking?? Application Transport Internet Link What does each layer do in the TCP/IP stack?? Wraps a packet with header data. What is the Application layer used for?? Providing services for applications that want to communicate across a network.
5 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What are the equal chunks of data called that are transmitted around a network?? Packets What does packet switching allow?? Packets to take the fastest route across a network. What is the purpose of a router?? To forward data packets from one network to another. What does your home router connect your network to?? The ISP’s network. What is the name for transfering across a network using a router?
2 min read
What is the largest network in the world called?? The Internet. What is the World Wide Web?? The collection of resources that can be accessed via the Internet. What is main part of the Internet called?? The backbone. What is the backbone?? The set of connections that connect large networks at various points on the globe. If the backbone is at the bottom of the hierarchy of the Internet, what is next?? Regional networks. Who controls regional networks?
2 min read
Facebook had a big book of everyone’s faces – scary. How has our connected, online world enabled us to publish and distribute personal information? Do you post personal information about yourself online? Do you post persona information about other people online? Is this ethical? How many people in different countries use social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter? What are some of the negative aspects of social media sites? Negative aspects: Internet trolling Cyberbullying Anonymous blogs Hate sites Should all information be easily and freely accessible to all online?
2 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What is a thick client?? A computer that does its own processing. What is the main advantage of a thick client?? It doens’t rely on a network. Why might thick clients not be appropriate for running software which costs money?? Because you might have to have a seperate license for each computer. Why are thick clients more difficult to maintain?? They require individual maintance to make sure they are up to date.
2 min read