
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards Why is cloud computing beneficial for a business?? It means they don’t have to make their own network. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-02-05 11:10 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?networking' - '@?public' title: Computing - Cloud Computing
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What is a Wireless Access Point (WAP)?? What devices connect to the internet through. What three things do you need to connect to the internet?? ISP Wireless Router Device with NIC What does SSID stand for?? Service Set Identifier In the context of networking, what does SSID mean?? A unique name given to the network. Why might you want to hide the SSID?? So that an attacker has to actually know the name of the network to try break in.
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What is a computer that is not connected to any other devices called?? A standalone computer. What’s the name for two or more computers connected together?? A network. What is a Local Area Network?? Two or more computers connected together within a small geographical area. What is a bus network?? An arrangement where nodes are connected in a daisy chain by a single central communications channel.
2 min read
See Also: [[Computing - Networking]]S Serial vs Parallel What is serial data transmission?? Where bits are sent one after another along the same data line. How can you do two-way communication using serial data transmission if you only had one wire?? You would need two wires. What’s an example of a serial data cable?? USB How are serial cables sometimes deceptive in their ability to do two-way communication?? The multiple data lines are sheathed together so it only looks like one line.
5 min read
See Also https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/computer-science-and-it/as-and-a-level/computer-science-7516-7517/subject-content-a-level/fundamentals-of-communication-and-networking [[Computing - Communication]]S Questions Explain the differences between client-server and peer-to-peer networking. In a client-server network, some of the ndoes on the network are nominated as clients and some are nominated as servers. Clients request services from servers, such as shared resources or email information, and the server will respond. Arranging a network like this has a few advantages, such as allowing for easier backups and a higher level of security since everything is maintained by a central authority.
4 min read
See also: [[Computing - Backus-Naur Form]]S [[Computing - Parsing]]S 2021-01-22 What is a syntax diagram?? A graphical equivalent of BNF. What does this represent in a syntax diagram?? A terminal symbol. What does this represent in a syntax diagram?? A non-terminal symbol. What does this represent in a syntax diagram?? A non-terminal symbol that can be used more than once. Can you picture what a non-zero digit would look like in a syntax diagram?
1 min read
What does a parse tree formed from production rules and an input show?? The categories that make up the input. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S [[Computing - Regular Languages]]S [[Computing - Syntax Diagrams]]S Metadata date: 2021-01-22 11:09 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?regular-languages' - '@?public' title: Computing - Parsing
1 min read
What is Backus-Naur Form?? A formal notation used to describe the syntax rules of a language. What type of languages can’t be expressed by a regular expression?? Context-free languages. What does ::= mean in BNF?? Is defined as. What does | mean in BNF?? Or. What does <> mean in BNF?? Specifys a category. What do two symbols side by side mean in BNF?? That one symbol must follow the other. What is a terminal symbol in BNF?
2 min read
Is Reverse Polish Notation prefix, infix or postfix?? Postfix. What’s another name for Reverse Polish Notation?? Postfix notation. What is Reverse Polish Notation?? A notation for maths where the operator comes after the operands. Why is Reverse Polish Notation used?? Because it means evaluation can be done using a stack. What does RPN eliminate the need for?? Brackets. $$8 \times 7 + 6 \div 3 ^ 2$$ What does this look like with brackets showing the order of operations?
3 min read
What two parts does a Turing machine consist of?? A tape that can be read and write A controller that determines what happens at each cell How long is the tape in a Turing machine?? Infinitely long. What are the three states of a cell on some tape in a Turing machine?? $1$, $0$ or blank. In a Turing machine, what moves along the tape?? A read-write head. What state must a Turing machine have?
3 min read
See also: [[Computing - Sets]]S [[Computing - Regular Expressions]]S [[Computing - Turing Machines]]S [[Computing - Backus-Naur Form]]S [[Computing - Syntax Diagrams]]S [[Computing - Parsing]]S What is a regular language?? A language that can be described by a regular expression or a finite state machine. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-01-12 10:14 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?
1 min read
What regular expression is this?? $$ ab $$ What regular expression is this?? $$ a|b $$ What regular expression is this?? $$ a+ $$ What regular expression is this?? $$ a* $$ Visualise the finite state machine for $ab$?? Visualise the finite state machine for $a|b$?? Visualise the finite state machine for $a+$?? Visualise the finite state machine for $a*$?? What is the precedence for regular expressions?? () * + ? | Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S [[Computing - Regular Languages]]S Metadata date: 2021-01-11 08:41 tags: - '@?
1 min read