
See Also [[Stats - Binomial Distribution]]S Flashcards What is the notation for $X$ being a random variable following a normal distribution with mode $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$?? $$ X ~ N(\mu, \sigma^2) $$ What is this?? The normal distribution. What is the area under the normal distribution?? $$ 1 $$ What is required for a random variable $X$ to follow a normal distribution?? It has to be continious. How would you find $P(170 < X < 190)$ for the normal distribution?
5 min read
See Also [[Stats - Statistical Distributions]]S [[Stats - Probability]]S [[Maths - Combinations]]?? Flashcards What $ \left(\begin{matrix} n \ r \end{matrix}\right) $ could you write for the number of ways you can pick $3$ students from a class of $28$?? $$ \left(\begin{matrix} 28 \\ 3 \end{matrix}\right) $$ What $ \left(\begin{matrix} n \ r \end{matrix}\right) $ could you write for the number of ways you could pick $2$ left-handed people from a total of $3$ people?
5 min read
See Also [[Stats - Binomial Distribution]]S [[Stats - Probability]]S Flashcards What is a random variable?? A variable whose value depends on the outcome of a random event. What is the notation for a random variable?? Capital letters, $X$. What is the notation for the random variable $X$ taking a particular value $x$?? $$ P(X = x) $$ Can you explain $P(X = x) The probability that the outcome of the random variable $X$ was the specific outcome $x$.
2 min read