
What is the main limitation of HTTP communication?? The client has to request the data for it to be sent. What is the advantage of WebSockets?? It is full-duplex. Why are smaller packets in the WebSocket protocol beneficial?? Because the connection can be faster. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S [[How to get around]]M Metadata date: 2021-03-02 10:04 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?school' - '@?public' - '@?networking' title: Computing - Client/Server Model
1 min read
What is the TCP/IP stack?? A set of rules to format a message so it can be sent over a network. What are the four layers in networking?? Applicatoin Transport Internet Link What does ATIL stand for in networking?? Application Transport Internet Link What does each layer do in the TCP/IP stack?? Wraps a packet with header data. What is the Application layer used for?? Providing services for applications that want to communicate across a network.
5 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What are the equal chunks of data called that are transmitted around a network?? Packets What does packet switching allow?? Packets to take the fastest route across a network. What is the purpose of a router?? To forward data packets from one network to another. What does your home router connect your network to?? The ISP’s network. What is the name for transfering across a network using a router?
2 min read
What is the largest network in the world called?? The Internet. What is the World Wide Web?? The collection of resources that can be accessed via the Internet. What is main part of the Internet called?? The backbone. What is the backbone?? The set of connections that connect large networks at various points on the globe. If the backbone is at the bottom of the hierarchy of the Internet, what is next?? Regional networks. Who controls regional networks?
2 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What is a thick client?? A computer that does its own processing. What is the main advantage of a thick client?? It doens’t rely on a network. Why might thick clients not be appropriate for running software which costs money?? Because you might have to have a seperate license for each computer. Why are thick clients more difficult to maintain?? They require individual maintance to make sure they are up to date.
2 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards Why is cloud computing beneficial for a business?? It means they don’t have to make their own network. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-02-05 11:10 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?networking' - '@?public' title: Computing - Cloud Computing
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What is a Wireless Access Point (WAP)?? What devices connect to the internet through. What three things do you need to connect to the internet?? ISP Wireless Router Device with NIC What does SSID stand for?? Service Set Identifier In the context of networking, what does SSID mean?? A unique name given to the network. Why might you want to hide the SSID?? So that an attacker has to actually know the name of the network to try break in.
1 min read
See Also [[Computing - Networking]]S Flashcards What is a computer that is not connected to any other devices called?? A standalone computer. What’s the name for two or more computers connected together?? A network. What is a Local Area Network?? Two or more computers connected together within a small geographical area. What is a bus network?? An arrangement where nodes are connected in a daisy chain by a single central communications channel.
2 min read
See Also: [[Computing - Networking]]S Serial vs Parallel What is serial data transmission?? Where bits are sent one after another along the same data line. How can you do two-way communication using serial data transmission if you only had one wire?? You would need two wires. What’s an example of a serial data cable?? USB How are serial cables sometimes deceptive in their ability to do two-way communication?? The multiple data lines are sheathed together so it only looks like one line.
5 min read
See Also https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/computer-science-and-it/as-and-a-level/computer-science-7516-7517/subject-content-a-level/fundamentals-of-communication-and-networking [[Computing - Communication]]S Questions Explain the differences between client-server and peer-to-peer networking. In a client-server network, some of the ndoes on the network are nominated as clients and some are nominated as servers. Clients request services from servers, such as shared resources or email information, and the server will respond. Arranging a network like this has a few advantages, such as allowing for easier backups and a higher level of security since everything is maintained by a central authority.
4 min read