
Flashcards What are the 5 assumptions made for an ideal gas (VVETE)?? There are lots and lots of particles with random velocities. The individual particles have much smaller volumes than the volume of the gas. The collisions with container walls are perfectly elastic. The duration of collisions is much smaller than the duration of not-collisions. The electrostatic forces are negligible expect for during collisions. Why is the assumption that collisions between particles and container walls being perfectly elastic useful?
3 min read
Flashcards What does Avagadro’s constant represent?? The number of atoms in $12$ grams of Carbon-12. What is one mole of a substance?? An amount in which the number of atoms/molecules is equal to Avogadro’s constant. What is the molar mass of a substance?? The mass per mole of a substance. How do you find the mass of one atoms from its mass number/nucleon number?? Divide the mass number by Avogadro’s constant. What is a nucleon?? A proton or a neutron.
2 min read
Flashcards What is the time period $T$ of an object in uniform circular motion?? The time taken to complete one rotation. What are the SI units of angular velocity?? $$ \text{rad},s^{-1} $$ How can you conceptualise angular velocity in terms of derivatives?? It’s the rate of change of angle. What is the formula for a radian angle $\theta$ in terms of arc and radius?? $$ \theta = \frac{\text{arc}}{\text{radius}} $$ What is the formula for angluar speed?
3 min read
Recall Questions What is a photon?? A quantum of energy of electromagnetic radiation. What is the photoelectric effect?? The emission of electrons from a metal surface when illuminated with light. What is a photoelectron? An electron that has been removed from a metal by absorbing a photon. What is the work function?? The minimum energy required to release an electron from the surface of a metal. What is the threshold frequency?? The minimum frequency of light required to produce photoelectrons from a metal.
3 min read
Recall Questions State what is meant by the superposition principle?? When two or more waves meet at a point, the resultant displacement is the vector sum of the displacements of the individual waves. State what is meant by coherent waves?? Waves that have a constant phase difference. State the conditions for two waves to be coherent?? The waves must be of the same type and have the same frequency. State what is meant by interference?? The superposition of waves from coherent sources.
4 min read
Recall Questions State what is meant by a progressive wave?? A wave that transfers energy from one point in space to another without transferring matter. Compare transverse and longitudinal waves?? In tranverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer. They consist of compressions and rarefactions. Define the displacement of a wave?? Distance from the equilibrium position in a particular direction.
5 min read
Recall Questions State Kirchoff’s second law and appreciate that this a consequence of conservation of energy?? Sum of the EMF is equal to the sum of the voltages. What can we say about the current through a component in series. Same for each compoent. What can we say about the p.d. across parallel branches in a circuit?? It is the same for each branch. How do you find the total EMF from cells connected in series with the same polarity?
2 min read
Recall Questions Define potential difference?? Energy transfer per unit charge from electrical to other forms. Define the volt?? $$1V = 1JC^{-1}$$ Define electromotive force of a source such as a cell or a power supply?? Energy transfer per unit charge from chemical/other to electrical form. Define resistance?? $$\frac{\text{potential difference}}{\text{current}}$$ Define the ohm?? A component has a resistance of $1\Omega$ is a potential difference of $1V$ makes a current of $1A$ flow through it. Define resistivity of a material?
2 min read
Recall Questions Define current?? Rate of flow of charge. Define the coulomb?? The SI unit of electrical charge. One Coulomb is defined as the amount of charge that passes in 1 second when the current is 1 ampere. What do we mean when we say charge is quantised?? It can only take certain values (always $ne$). If $n$ electrons are removed from a neutral object, what is its charge?? $$ne$$ What is an electrolyte?? A liquid containing charged ions.
2 min read
Recall Questions State Newton’s first law?? The velocity of an object will only change if a resultant force acts on it. State the ways in which an object’s velocity might change?? An objet may accelerate, decelerate, or change direction. State Newton’s third law (long)?? When two objects interact, they exert forces on each other that are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and of the same type. State the four features of a Newton’s third law pair of forces?
2 min read
Recall Questions Define Hooke’s law?? The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied, provided the elastic limit of the spring is not exceeded. Define extension?? The difference between the final and initial length of an object. Define elastic deformation?? The material returns to its original shape and size after any applied forces are removed. Define plastic deformation?? The material will not return to its original shape and size after any applied forces are removed.
2 min read
Recall Questions Define work done (enerhgy transferred by a force)?? Work done = Force x distance moved in direction of force How much work is done on an object by a force acting at right angles to the direction of motion of an object?? None. Define power?? Rate of work done/Rate of energy transfer Define the Watt?? $$1W = 1Js^{-1}$$ Define the Joule?? Work done to move a force of $1N$ (through) a distance of $1m$ through the point of application.
1 min read