
See also: [[Physics - Circuits]]S [[Physics - Voltage and Potential Difference]]S What is electric current?? The rate of flow of charged paticles. What symbol is used to represent current?? $$ I $$ What are some examples of charged particles?? Electrons, $e^{-}$ Positrons, $e^{+}$ Protons, $p$ Ions, $Na^{+}$, $Cu^{++}$ Why is $I$ used to represent current?? Because it comes from the french “Intensity of Current”. What are the units for current?
3 min read
See also: [[Physics - Collisions in 2D]]S What is the symbol symbol formula for momentum?? $$ p = mv $$ What is the word formula for momentum?? $$ \text{momentum} = \text{mass} \times \text{velocity} $$ What are the units for momentum?? $$ kgms^{-1} $$ Two cars, $A$ and $B$ are travelling in the same direction at $30mph$ and $31mph$ respectively. What could be said about the “magnitude” of the collision?? It’s the same as a $1mph$ collision.
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Hooke's Law]]S [[Physics - Energy]]S [[Physics - Work Done]]S What is the area under a force-extension graph?? Work done. The energy put into a spring by stretching it is called?? Elastic potential energy. Stretching a spring over a distance is doing what in relation to work done?? Applying a force over a distance. What does the area of the triangle represent?? Work done.
1 min read
Energy What is power?? Power is the rate at which work is done. What is the symbol formula for power?? $$ P = \frac{W}{t} $$ If velocity is the rate of change of displacement, work done is?? The rate of change of energy. What is the unit of power?? $$ \text{watt}, W $$ What is the equation for power in terms of velocity?? $$ P = Fv $$ How is efficiency calculated?? $$ \frac{\text{useful output energy}}{\text{total input energy}} \times 100% $$
2 min read
What is energy?? The capacityof one object or system to do work or cause a change on another. What is the principle of the conservation of energy?? The energy of a closed system always remains constant; energy can never be created or destroyed, only transferred. What form of energy is due to the motion of a mass?? Kinetic energy. What form of energy is due to the position of a mass in a gravitational field?? Gravitational potential energy.
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Energy]]S What is work done equivalent to?? Energy transferred. What are the SI base units equivalent to for the Joule?? $$ kgm^2s^{-2} $$ How is work done calculated?? $$ \text{force},\times,\text{distance moved in direction of force} $$ In the equation $W = F \times d$ for work done, what is $d$?? The distance moved in the direction of the force. What is the area under a force-distance graph?? Work done. Backlinks [[Physics - Elastic Potential Energy]]S [[Physics - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-11-23 14:28 tags: - '@?
1 min read
What types of forces alter an object?? A pair of equal and opposite forces. Why do you need to equal and opposite forces to alter an object?? Because otherwise you’d just move the object. When you’re sitting on a chair, you’re compressing it. What are the two forces in action?? Your weight The normal reaction from the ground What are forces that produce extension called?? Tensile forces. What are forces that shorten or compress an object called?
3 min read
What is Archimedes' principle?? The upthrust on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of fluid displaced. What is the force of upthrust on a boat?? The weight of water that the boat displaces. In , why is there a resultant force upwards?? Pressure increases with depth. There is more pressure on the bottom of the object. In , why is there pressure on the sides?? Pressure is just particles bumping into the side, so particles bump into the side too.
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Archimedes' Principle]]S What is the word formula for pressure?? $$ \text{pressure} = \frac{\text{force}}{\text{area}} $$ What are the units of pressure?? pascals, $\text{Pa}$ What is one Pascal equal to?? $1Nm^{-2}$, one Newton per square metre. What is atmospheric pressure approximately equal to?? $$ 1\times10^{5} Pa $$ What is the symbol formula for pressure?? $$ P = \frac{F}{A} $$ What is a fluid?? A gas or a liquid. What is the symbol formula for the pressure in a fluid?
2 min read
What is the symbol formula for density?? $$ \rho = \frac{m}{V} $$ What is the symbol for density?? $$ \rho $$ Backlinks [[Physics - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-10-24 13:24 tags: - '@?school' - '@?physics' - '@?year-1' - '@?public' title: Physics - Density
1 min read
What is special about the horizontal and vertical components of a projectile?? They can be treated seperately. If you have two bullets, one which is fired from a completely level gun and one that is dropped at the exact same height and time as the other bullet being fired, which lands first?? They both land at the same time. Why do two bullets, one fired from a gun and one stationary, hit the ground at the same time?
2 min read
What are the two conditions for equilibrium?? Net force is zero Net moment is zero What is the name for two forces in an arrangement like the following?? PHOTO Is the following a couple PHOTO?? Yes. Is the following an equilibrium PHOTO?? No. Describe the motion as a result of PHOTO?? The object will spin with increasing angular velocity. When do couples produce a turning effect?? When there is a perpindicular distance between them.
1 min read