
What is Archimedes' principle?? The upthrust on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of fluid displaced. What is the force of upthrust on a boat?? The weight of water that the boat displaces. In , why is there a resultant force upwards?? Pressure increases with depth. There is more pressure on the bottom of the object. In , why is there pressure on the sides?? Pressure is just particles bumping into the side, so particles bump into the side too.
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Archimedes' Principle]]S What is the word formula for pressure?? $$ \text{pressure} = \frac{\text{force}}{\text{area}} $$ What are the units of pressure?? pascals, $\text{Pa}$ What is one Pascal equal to?? $1Nm^{-2}$, one Newton per square metre. What is atmospheric pressure approximately equal to?? $$ 1\times10^{5} Pa $$ What is the symbol formula for pressure?? $$ P = \frac{F}{A} $$ What is a fluid?? A gas or a liquid. What is the symbol formula for the pressure in a fluid?
2 min read