
what’s the maximum value of this funky function?
1 min read
how do you rotate a point over a line?
1 min read
See Also Flashcards 2021-09-18 What’s the format of a general arithmetic sequence term $U_n$ for common difference $d$ and start term $a$?? $$ U_n = (n - 1)d + a $$ What’s the formula for the sum $S_n$ up to term $n$ of a sequence with start $a$ and common difference $d$?? $$ S_n = \frac{n}{2}\left( (n - 1)d + 2a \right) $$ What’s the formula for the sum $S_n$ of an arithmetic sequence between terms $a$ and $l$?
1 min read
See Also Flashcards 2021-09-10 What is the general process for solving a coupled first-order differential equation?? Eliminating one of the variables to form a single second-order differential equation. $$\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t} = x + y \\ \frac{\text{d}y}{\text{d}t} = x - y$$ What are the 3 first steps?? Rewriting it as $y = …$, differentiating and then substituting. $$\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t} = x + y \\ \frac{\text{d}y}{\text{d}t} = x - y$$ You’ve discovered $$x = Ae^{\sqrt{2}t} + Be^{-\sqrt{2}t}$$ What do you now do to find $y$ in terms of $t$?
1 min read
what is the sum of this recursively defined sequence?
1 min read
what is the area between a circle and a straight line?
1 min read
See Also Flashcards 2021-09-07 How can you solve modulus questions like $$5|x + 2| - 1 = \frac{1}{2}x + 1$$?? Pretend that it’s $(x + 2)$ and then pretend it’s $-(x + 2)$. When worried about which “sign” of a modulus function to use when solving an equation, what should you do?? Draw a graph. Backlinks [[Maths - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-09-07 17:23 tags: - '@?maths' - '@?school' - '@?modulus' - '@?
1 min read
how does this polynomial divide into this other one?
1 min read
what sort of solutions do these three log equations have?
1 min read
how does reflecting sin(x) change it?
1 min read
See Also Flashcards What two points define the Kelvin scale?? Absolute zero Triple point of water What is the triple point of water?? The point at which water is a solid, liquid and gas simultaneously. How can you have a solid, liquid and a gas simultaneously?? By setting an exact pressure and temperature. What is $0K$ in Celsius?? $$ -273.15^\circ $$ What is $0^\circ$ in Kelvin?? $$ 273.15K $$ What is the equation for converting Kelvin $T$ to Celsius $\theta$?
4 min read
Flashcards What is the time period $T$ of an object in uniform circular motion?? The time taken to complete one rotation. What are the SI units of angular velocity?? $$ \text{rad},s^{-1} $$ How can you conceptualise angular velocity in terms of derivatives?? It’s the rate of change of angle. What is the formula for a radian angle $\theta$ in terms of arc and radius?? $$ \theta = \frac{\text{arc}}{\text{radius}} $$ What is the formula for angluar speed?
3 min read