
what does this quadratic + cosine curve look like?
1 min read
how does the area change for this funky polynomial?
1 min read
what sequence always produces numbers whose difference of successive squares is interesting?
1 min read
Flashcards What is the bin-packing problem?? Minimising the amount of bins used to store things of a fixed sizes. What is the full-bin combinations algorithm for bin-packing?? Fill as many bins as possible using full-bin combinations and then pack the remaining items into the first available bin. What is it called when you solve a problem by listing all possibilities?? Complete enumeration. What is the first-fit algorithm for bin-packing?? Work through the list of items and place each item in the first bin with sufficient space.
1 min read
Flashcards After 3 passes with shuttlesort, what must be true?? The first three numbers are in the correct position. What’s the most amount of passes for $n$ numbers that will be needed in shuttlesort?? $$ n - 1 $$ What is the worst case time complexity of shuttlesort?? $$ O(n^2) $$ When can you prematurely stop doing passes for shuttlesort?? You can’t, you have to do $n-1$ passes. When can you move to the next pass for shuttlesort?
1 min read
when is the area bounded by two different curves bigger or smaller?
1 min read
‘Howl’ part II, by Allen Ginsberg: What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination? Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks! Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men! Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment!
4 min read
how can this result about cubes translate into results about prime numbers?
1 min read
Flashcards 2021-10-10 How could you compare the size of numbers without converting them to decimal, like $\frac{\sqrt{7}}{2}$ and $\frac{5}{4}$?? Square them or use another function that preserve ordering. Backlinks [[MAT Questions]]N Metadata date: 2021-10-10 15:40 summary: "" tags: - '@?public' - '@?mat' - '@?notes' - '@?maths' title: MAT - Paper 2015 - Q1J
1 min read
how often will a function and its derivative intersect?
1 min read
Flashcards After 3 passes with bubblesort, what must be true?? The last three numbers are in the correct position. What’s the most amount of passes for $n$ numbers that will be needed in bubblesort?? $$ n - 1 $$ What is the worst case time complexity of bubblesort?? $$ n^2 $$ Backlinks [[Further Maths - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-10-10 13:31 tags: - '@?public' - '@?school' - '@?decision' - '@?further-maths' title: Further Maths - Bubblesort
1 min read
how many ways can you solve a funky simultaneous equation?
1 min read