
See also: [[Computing - Backus-Naur Form]]S [[Computing - Parsing]]S 2021-01-22 What is a syntax diagram?? A graphical equivalent of BNF. What does this represent in a syntax diagram?? A terminal symbol. What does this represent in a syntax diagram?? A non-terminal symbol. What does this represent in a syntax diagram?? A non-terminal symbol that can be used more than once. Can you picture what a non-zero digit would look like in a syntax diagram?
1 min read
What does a parse tree formed from production rules and an input show?? The categories that make up the input. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S [[Computing - Regular Languages]]S [[Computing - Syntax Diagrams]]S Metadata date: 2021-01-22 11:09 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?regular-languages' - '@?public' title: Computing - Parsing
1 min read
What is Backus-Naur Form?? A formal notation used to describe the syntax rules of a language. What type of languages can’t be expressed by a regular expression?? Context-free languages. What does ::= mean in BNF?? Is defined as. What does | mean in BNF?? Or. What does <> mean in BNF?? Specifys a category. What do two symbols side by side mean in BNF?? That one symbol must follow the other. What is a terminal symbol in BNF?
2 min read
Is Reverse Polish Notation prefix, infix or postfix?? Postfix. What’s another name for Reverse Polish Notation?? Postfix notation. What is Reverse Polish Notation?? A notation for maths where the operator comes after the operands. Why is Reverse Polish Notation used?? Because it means evaluation can be done using a stack. What does RPN eliminate the need for?? Brackets. $$8 \times 7 + 6 \div 3 ^ 2$$ What does this look like with brackets showing the order of operations?
3 min read
What two parts does a Turing machine consist of?? A tape that can be read and write A controller that determines what happens at each cell How long is the tape in a Turing machine?? Infinitely long. What are the three states of a cell on some tape in a Turing machine?? $1$, $0$ or blank. In a Turing machine, what moves along the tape?? A read-write head. What state must a Turing machine have?
3 min read
See also: [[Computing - Sets]]S [[Computing - Regular Expressions]]S [[Computing - Turing Machines]]S [[Computing - Backus-Naur Form]]S [[Computing - Syntax Diagrams]]S [[Computing - Parsing]]S What is a regular language?? A language that can be described by a regular expression or a finite state machine. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-01-12 10:14 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?
1 min read
What regular expression is this?? $$ ab $$ What regular expression is this?? $$ a|b $$ What regular expression is this?? $$ a+ $$ What regular expression is this?? $$ a* $$ Visualise the finite state machine for $ab$?? Visualise the finite state machine for $a|b$?? Visualise the finite state machine for $a+$?? Visualise the finite state machine for $a*$?? What is the precedence for regular expressions?? () * + ? | Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S [[Computing - Regular Languages]]S Metadata date: 2021-01-11 08:41 tags: - '@?
1 min read
2021-01-07 What is a set?? A well-defined collection of objects. What are the two terms for objects in a set?? Members Elements What’s the difference between a set and a list?? Sets are unordered. What’s the symbol for an empty set?? $$ \varnothing $$ What does $$x \in S$$ mean?? $x$ is a member of the set $S$. What does $$x \notin S$$ mean?? $x$ is not a member of the set $S$.
3 min read
What does this symbol represent in FSM?? A state. What does this symbol represent in FSM?? The start state. What does this symbol represnt in FSM?? The end or accept state. What does this symbol represent in FSM?? A transition. What does the language recognised by a FSM consist of?? All string accepted by the finite state machine. What is a finite state machine?? An abstract model of computation that is used to model logic.
2 min read