
Data Representation. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-10-06 10:09 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?school' - '@?public' - '@?safe-to-post-online' title: Computing - Data Representation
1 min read
What is a queue?? A dynamic data structure in which items join at the back and leave at the front. Why is a queue a dynamic data structure?? Because it can contain a variable amount of data. Is a queue FIFO or LIFO?? FIFO. What does FIFO stand for?? First in first out. What is dequeueing?? Where an item is removed from the queue. What is enqueueing?? Where an item is added to the queue.
4 min read
What is a register?? A temporary storage area in a CPU. Simple computers have an accumulator, more complex computers have…?? Registers. What does LDR Rd, (memory ref) do?? Load the value stored in (memory ref) into register d. How many arguments does LDR take?? 2 I want to put a value at a memory address into a register. What instruction should I use?? LDR. What does LDR R1,300 do?? Load the contents of address 300 into R1.
4 min read
What are the two types of architecture in computers?? von Neumann Havard Which computer architecture in the most common?? von Neumann architecture. What is the von Neumann architecture? Where instructions and data are stored in a common main memory and transferred using a single shared bus. What is the Havard architecture?? Where instructions and data are stored in two seperate memories and each has a bus. What is the main issue with von Neumann architecture?
1 min read
What is a computer system?? Any device that can take a set of inputs and process them into useful outputs. What are the three key stages in a computer system?? $$ \text{input} \to \text{process} \to \text{output} $$ What are the 4 main components of a motherboard?? CPU Main memory Address, control and data buses I/O controllers How do components of a motherboard communicate with one another?? Using a bus. What are the three types of bus?
3 min read
What does INP mean in LMC?? Input. What does the INP instruction do in LMC?? Allow the user to input data. Where is the input from INP stored in LMC?? In the accumulator. What does STA mean in LMC?? Store address. What is the instruction register for instruction 901 in LMC?? 9. What is the address register for instruction 901 in LMC?? 01. What does STA do in LMC?? Store the value in the accumulator at the given address.
3 min read
Programming Languages What is a low level programming language?? A programming language that provides little or no abstraction of a computer’s instruction set. What are the two parts of an instruction in machine code?? The opcode The operand What is the purpose of having an opcode and an operand?? What do you have (operand) and what do you want do with it (opcode). What is an instruction set?? All the instructions that a computer can understand and exectue.
3 min read
A different view of the mind There’s this really interesting passage from the Gwern essay LSD Microdosing RCT which I felt motivated enough to take brief notes on. Turns out that this is actually a snippet from a transcript of a podcast by Sam Harris, the author of Waking Up.. What does ‘The Doors of Perception’ argue the brain’s primary function is?? Eliminative, filtering out a potential vast, transpersonal dimension of mind. Why could an eliminative brain be neccessary?
1 min read
What is the Comdlg32 DLL?? The library that looks after dialog boxes. What is the name of the library that looks after dialog boxes?? Comdlg32. What is the advantage to using a library?? It’s efficient due to code re-use. What’s an advantage of code reuse?? You only have to fix issues once. Code reuse enourages what architecture of programs?? Modular architecture. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-09-16 10:09 tags: - '@?
1 min read
What is machine code?? The lowest level of instruction comprising pure binary. What are the three types of translator?? Assembler Compiler Interpreters What is the function of an assembler?? Translating assembly language into machine code. What is the function of a compiler?? Translate high-level language programs into object code/machine. Backlinks [[Computing - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-09-14 14:28 tags: - '@?computing' - '@?school' - '@?public' - '@?safe-to-post-online' title: Computing - Translators and Machine Code
1 min read
What is hardware?? The physical, tangible parts of the computer. What is software?? All the programs that make the computer function. You can’t touch it. What is the hardware part of a music CD?? The physical CD itself. What are the two grooves in a CD called?? Pits and lands. What do the pits and lands in a CD represent?? 0s and 1s. What are the two types of software?? Systems software Application software What is a peripheral device?
3 min read
Boolean Algebra Boolean algebra is like writing algebraic expressions acting on variables. Boolean notation is the set of symbols that define logical operators on variables. $$ P = \text{NOT} (A \text{AND} B) P = \overline{A \cdot B} $$ $$ P = (A \text{AND} B) \text{OR} C P = (A \cdot B) + C $$ NOT $$ P = \text{NOT} A P = \overline{A} $$ What does the notation $\overline{A}$ in boolean algebra?? NOT. AND $$ P = A \text{AND} B P = A \cdot B $$
3 min read