
What is the wordy definition of Newton’s second law of motion?? The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force ating on the object, is in the direction of the net force and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. What’s the basic jist of Newton’s second law of motion?? Acceleration is affected in two ways: Increased by more force Decreased by more mass Acceleration is directly proportional to?
5 min read
What is a register?? A temporary storage area in a CPU. Simple computers have an accumulator, more complex computers have…?? Registers. What does LDR Rd, (memory ref) do?? Load the value stored in (memory ref) into register d. How many arguments does LDR take?? 2 I want to put a value at a memory address into a register. What instruction should I use?? LDR. What does LDR R1,300 do?? Load the contents of address 300 into R1.
4 min read
Other than matricies, how can you solve a system of three equations?? Using the triangle method. How does the triangle method of solving a system of three equations work?? Using back substitution. What are the steps involved in the triangle method?? Add/subtract two equations of three variables to form an equation of two variables Do this for another equation, forming an equation with the same two variables Solve this using simulataneous equations Substitute the new values and solve for the final variable Why is it called the “triangle” method of solving equations?
1 min read
What does $s$ stand for in SUVAT?? Displacement. What does $u$ stand for in SUVAT?? Initial velocity. What does $v$ stand for in SUVAT?? Final velocity. What does $a$ stand for in SUVAT?? Acceleration. What does $t$ stand for in SUVAT?? Time. What is the acronym for the equations of uniform motion?? SUVAT. By considering PHOTO, what is a general equation for the area under the graph?? $$ \text{area} = ut + \frac{v - u}{2} $$
2 min read
What are the two types of architecture in computers?? von Neumann Havard Which computer architecture in the most common?? von Neumann architecture. What is the von Neumann architecture? Where instructions and data are stored in a common main memory and transferred using a single shared bus. What is the Havard architecture?? Where instructions and data are stored in two seperate memories and each has a bus. What is the main issue with von Neumann architecture?
1 min read
What data does Pearson’s large data set contain?? Information from weather stations. When did the weather stations in Pearson’s large data set record data?? May-Oct 1987 May-Oct 2015 Why was Oct 1987 of interest?? Because of The Great Storm. What are the units for mean temperature?? ^{\circ} C What are the units for total rainfall?? $mm$ What does tr/trace mean in relation to total rainfall?? Less than 0.05mm rain. What are the units for total sunshine?
2 min read
What is qualatitive data?? Non-numerical values. What is categorical dtaa?? Non-numerical values. What’s an example of qualititive data?? Colour. What is quantitive data?? Numerical values. What is discrete data?? Data that can only have specific, numerical values. What’s an example of discrete data?? Shoe size Number of children What is continious data?? Data that can take any decimal value within a specified range. What is continious qualititive data?? That doesn’t exist. In $20 \leq w < 70$, what does $20$ represent?
1 min read
What is a computer system?? Any device that can take a set of inputs and process them into useful outputs. What are the three key stages in a computer system?? $$ \text{input} \to \text{process} \to \text{output} $$ What are the 4 main components of a motherboard?? CPU Main memory Address, control and data buses I/O controllers How do components of a motherboard communicate with one another?? Using a bus. What are the three types of bus?
3 min read
What is the crucial idea that allows you to solve systems of equations using matricies?? If $$ A\left( \begin{matrix} x \\ y \ z\end{matrix} \right) = v $$ then $$ \left( \begin{matrix} x \\ y \ z\end{matrix} \right) = A^{-1}v $$ How could you rewrite [2x+3y = 4 \\ 4x-y = 7] as the product of two matricies?? $$ \left(\begin{matrix}2 & 3 \\ 4 & -1\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x \ y\end{matrix}\right) = \left(\begin{matrix}4 \ 7\end{matrix}\right) $$ How could you solve this $$\left(\begin{matrix}2 & 3 \\ 4 & -1\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x \ y\end{matrix}\right) = \left(\begin{matrix}4 \ 7\end{matrix}\right)$$?
4 min read
What is the math definition of the inverse matrix of $M$?? The inverse matrix of $M$ is the matrix $M^{-1}$ such that $MM^{-1} = M^{-1}M = I$. What’s the wordy definition for an inverse matrix of $M$?? The matrix that when multiplied by the original matrix yields the identity matrix. What’s the formula for the inverse of matrix $$M = \left( \begin{matrix}a & b \\ c & d\end{matrix} \right)$$?? $$ \frac{1}{\text{ad - bc} M} \left( \begin{matrix}d & -b \\ -c & a\end{matrix} \right) $$
3 min read
What is the determinant of a matrix?? A special value associated with a matrix. What does $|M|$ mean in the context of matricies?? The determinant of the matrix $M$. What does $\text{det} M$ mean?? The determinant of matrix $M$. What’s the formula for the determinant of a $2x2$ matrix?? $$ ad - bc $$ What is $M$ if $\text{det} M$ is $0$?? $M$ is a singular matrix. What is $M$ if $\text{det} M$ is not $0$?
3 min read
What does INP mean in LMC?? Input. What does the INP instruction do in LMC?? Allow the user to input data. Where is the input from INP stored in LMC?? In the accumulator. What does STA mean in LMC?? Store address. What is the instruction register for instruction 901 in LMC?? 9. What is the address register for instruction 901 in LMC?? 01. What does STA do in LMC?? Store the value in the accumulator at the given address.
3 min read