
Recall Questions State what is meant by the superposition principle?? When two or more waves meet at a point, the resultant displacement is the vector sum of the displacements of the individual waves. State what is meant by coherent waves?? Waves that have a constant phase difference. State the conditions for two waves to be coherent?? The waves must be of the same type and have the same frequency. State what is meant by interference?? The superposition of waves from coherent sources.
4 min read
Recall Questions State what is meant by a progressive wave?? A wave that transfers energy from one point in space to another without transferring matter. Compare transverse and longitudinal waves?? In tranverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer. They consist of compressions and rarefactions. Define the displacement of a wave?? Distance from the equilibrium position in a particular direction.
5 min read
See Also [[Physics - Quantum Physics]]S [[Physics - The Photoelectric Effect]]S Flashcards What’s the evidence that light exists as a particle?? The photoelectric effect. What’s the evidence that light exists as a wave?? They form diffraction patterns. What’s the evidence that electrons exist as a wave?? They form diffraction patterns. What would you expect when firing electrons through two slits if they are a particle?? There should be two bright spots and no inteference pattern.
2 min read
See Also [[Physics - Waves]]S [[Physics - Standing Waves]]S Flashcards At what phase differences does total constructive superposition occur?? $$ 0, 2\pi, 4\pi, 6\pi, 8\pi, … $$ At what phase differences does total destructive superposition occur?? $$ \pi, 3\pi, 5\pi, 7\pi, 9\pi $$ What requirement other than phase difference is there for total destructive superposition?? Both waves need to have the same amplitude. 2021-05-27 What does it mean for two wave sources to be coherent?
3 min read
See Also Flashcards What has the longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum?? Radio waves What has the shortest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum?? Gamma rays What is the range of wavelengths for visible light?? $$ 380nm \text{to} 740nm $$ What is the speed of an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum?? $$ 3 \times 10^8 m/s $$ What do electromagnetic waves consist of?? Oscillating magnetic and electrical vibrations at right angles to one another. 2021-03-30 What is roughly the wavelength of radio waves?
1 min read
See Also [[Physics - Waves]]S [[Physics - Diffraction]]S [[Physics - Polarisation]]S [[Physics - Reflection and Refraction]]S Flashcards What is the intensity of a wave?? The radiant power passing through a surface per unit area. What is the SIMPLE formula for intensity?? $$ I = \frac{P}{A} $$ What is the formula for intensity?? $$ I = \frac{P}{4\pi r^2} $$ Why does the intensity of a wave decrease as you move further away?
1 min read
See Also [[Physics - Reflection and Refraction]]S [[Physics - Waves]]S [[Physics - Diffraction]]S [[Physics - Intensity]]S Flashcards What is polarisation?? Where particles in a wave are oscillating in one direction only. What does it mean for a wave to be plane polarised?? Where the particles in the wave are oscillating along a single plane. What does it mean for a wave to be partially polarised?? Where most of the particles in a wave are oscillating along a single plane.
1 min read
See Also [[Physics - Reflection and Refraction]]S Flashcards 2021-03-11 What is diffraction?? The spreading out waves as it passes through an opening or apeture. Why doesn’t shining a torch through a door frame cause diffraction?? Because the width of the door frame is very different from the wavelength. When does diffraction occur?? When the width of the opening is roughly the same as the wavelength. Why do radio waves travel further than micro waves?
2 min read
What is missing?? What is missing?? What is missing?? What is missing?? What is missing?? What is the Law of Reflection?? On a smooth plane, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. What is missing?? What is missing?? What is missing?? What is missing?? What is missing?? Why does refraction occur?? Because the wave changes speed when it passes from medium to another. What is partial reflection?? A slight reflection off a surface that a wave is refracted through.
3 min read
What are the axis on an oscilliscope?? Voltage-time What does the horizontal space between two points represent on an oscilliscope?? The period. Backlinks [[Physics - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2021-02-25 10:25 tags: - '@?school' - '@?physics' - '@?waves' - '@?year-1' - '@?school' - '@?public' title: Physics - Oscilliscopes
1 min read
Flashcards What is the symbol for wavelength?? $$ \lambda $$ What is the symbol for the period of oscillation in a wave?? $$ T $$ What is the symbol for wave speed?? $$ v $$ What is the frequnecy of a wave?? The number of wavelengths passing through a given point per unit time. What is the period of oscillation of a wave?? The time taken for a wave to move one whole wavelength past a given point.
4 min read