
What two forms do you give answers to probability questions?? Decimals Fractions What does $P(\text{experiment})$ mean?? The probability of experiment. In terms of probability, what is an experiment?? A repeatable process that gives rise to a number of outcomes. In terms of probability, what is an event?? A set of one or more outcomes. What is sample space?? The set of all possible outcomes. 2021-01-21 What does it mean for two events to be mutually exclusive?
2 min read
Questions for Teacher If there’s no potential difference in a wire, what happens to the electrons?? They will drift randomly. What happens to the randomly drifting electrons in a wire when a potential difference is applied?? They start to drift in the same direction. What is meant by electron drift velocity?? The average displacement of the electrons along the a wire per second. Why do electrons move slowly through a metal?? Because the electrons are colliding with the lattice of atoms.
3 min read
What is the transformation as a vector for $y = f(x) + a$?? $$ \left(\begin{matrix} 0 \\ a \end{matrix}\right) $$ What does the transformation $y = f(x) + a$ mean in simple terms?? Move the graph up by $a$. What is the transformation as a vector for $y = f(x + a)$?? $$ \left(\begin{matrix} -a \\ 0 \end{matrix}\right) $$ What does the transformation $y = f(x + a)$ mean in simple terms?? Move the graph back horizontally by $a$.
2 min read
What is the symbol for a wire in a circuit?? What is the symbol for a resistor in a circuit?? What is the symbol for a light bulb in a circuit?? What is the symbol for a cell in a circuit?? What is the symbol for a battery in a circuit?? What is the symbol for a switch in a circuit?? Which is the positive terminal?? The one on the left. What is the technique for remembering the positive and negative terminals on a cell?
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Circuits]]S [[Physics - Voltage and Potential Difference]]S What is electric current?? The rate of flow of charged paticles. What symbol is used to represent current?? $$ I $$ What are some examples of charged particles?? Electrons, $e^{-}$ Positrons, $e^{+}$ Protons, $p$ Ions, $Na^{+}$, $Cu^{++}$ Why is $I$ used to represent current?? Because it comes from the french “Intensity of Current”. What are the units for current?
3 min read
This links heavily to [[Physics - Force and Newtons]]S . What is a force diagram?? A diagram showing all the forces acting on an object. What should you draw whenever you have a problem involving forces in Mechanics?? A force diagram. What does the force diagram look fora block of weight $W$ being pulled by a force P on a rough horizontal plane?? How would this diagram change if it was a smooth plane?? In $\hat{i}$ and $\hat{j}$ notation, what is the value of a resultant force for an object in equilbrium?
2 min read
What is $$\sum^{1}_{r = 1} r$$?? $$ 1 $$ What do you get if you substitute $k = 1$ for $\frac{1}{2}k{k+1}$?? $$ 1 $$ How could you write out the sum that is being done for $$\sum^{k}_{r = 1} r$$?? $$ 1 + 2 + 3 + … + (k - 1) + k $$ How could you write out the sum that is being done for $$\sum^{k + 1}_{r = 1} r$$?? $$ 1 + 2 + 3 + … + k + (k + 1) $$
1 min read
See also: [[Physics - Collisions in 2D]]S What is the symbol symbol formula for momentum?? $$ p = mv $$ What is the word formula for momentum?? $$ \text{momentum} = \text{mass} \times \text{velocity} $$ What are the units for momentum?? $$ kgms^{-1} $$ Two cars, $A$ and $B$ are travelling in the same direction at $30mph$ and $31mph$ respectively. What could be said about the “magnitude” of the collision?? It’s the same as a $1mph$ collision.
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Hooke's Law]]S [[Physics - Energy]]S [[Physics - Work Done]]S What is the area under a force-extension graph?? Work done. The energy put into a spring by stretching it is called?? Elastic potential energy. Stretching a spring over a distance is doing what in relation to work done?? Applying a force over a distance. What does the area of the triangle represent?? Work done.
1 min read
Energy What is power?? Power is the rate at which work is done. What is the symbol formula for power?? $$ P = \frac{W}{t} $$ If velocity is the rate of change of displacement, work done is?? The rate of change of energy. What is the unit of power?? $$ \text{watt}, W $$ What is the equation for power in terms of velocity?? $$ P = Fv $$ How is efficiency calculated?? $$ \frac{\text{useful output energy}}{\text{total input energy}} \times 100% $$
2 min read
What is energy?? The capacityof one object or system to do work or cause a change on another. What is the principle of the conservation of energy?? The energy of a closed system always remains constant; energy can never be created or destroyed, only transferred. What form of energy is due to the motion of a mass?? Kinetic energy. What form of energy is due to the position of a mass in a gravitational field?? Gravitational potential energy.
2 min read
See also: [[Physics - Energy]]S What is work done equivalent to?? Energy transferred. What are the SI base units equivalent to for the Joule?? $$ kgm^2s^{-2} $$ How is work done calculated?? $$ \text{force},\times,\text{distance moved in direction of force} $$ In the equation $W = F \times d$ for work done, what is $d$?? The distance moved in the direction of the force. What is the area under a force-distance graph?? Work done. Backlinks [[Physics - Elastic Potential Energy]]S [[Physics - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-11-23 14:28 tags: - '@?
1 min read