
Completing the Square (blank so that the linker doesn’t complain). Backlinks [[Maths - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-10-14 10:45 tags: - '@?maths' - '@?school' - '@?public' - '@?year-1' title: Maths - Completing the Square
1 min read
What is the _word- equation for weight?? $$ \text{weight} = \text{mass} \times \text{gravitational field strength} $$ What is the symbol equation for weight?? $$ W = mg $$ The equation $W=mg$ is a special case of which more general formula?? $$ F = ma $$ What are the two different units for $g$, the acceleration due to gravity?? $$ \frac{N}{kg} \\ ms^{-2} $$ Which SUVAT equation would be the most useful for calculating $g$?? $$ s = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2 $$
3 min read
What is a moment?? The turning effect produced by a force around a pivot point. What is the word formula for moments?? $$ \text{moment} = \text{force} \times \text{perpindicular distance} $$ What is the symbol formula for moments?? $$ M = Fd $$ The formula $M = Fd$ is the formula for…?? Moments. What is the principle of moments?? When a body is balanced, the total clockwise moment about a point equals the total anticlockwise moment.
1 min read
What is a quartic?? A 4-th degree polynomial. What’s the largest number of (real) solutions a quartic can have?? $4$. What’s the smallest number of (real) solutions a quartic can have?? $0$. I want to make a quartic with only two roots, $3$ and $4$. How could I do this?? $$ (x-3)(x-3)(x-4)(x-4) $$ Visualise the quartic $x^2(x-3)(x+3)$?? PHOTO When sketching a quatic, what’s the process?? Add the roots to an axis Add the y-intercept Backlinks [[Maths - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-10-11 11:51 tags: - '@?
1 min read
What’s another name for air resistance?? Drag. What is the difference between air resistance and drag?? Drag is applicable to fluids other than air. What are the three questions that you should ask at each stage of free fall?? What are the forces? What is the resultant force? What is happening? What’s an easy way to remember the three questions you ask at each stage of free fall?? Forces, resultant, result. A skydiver has just left a plane.
2 min read
What is the formula for the position of the median?? $$ \frac{n}{2} $$ What is the formula for the position of the lower quartile?? $$ \frac{n}{4} $$ What is the formula for the position of the upper quartile?? $$ \frac{3n}{4} $$ What is the formula for the $p-th$ percentile?? $$ n \times \frac{p}{100} \\ \text{e.g.} 23 \times 0.57 $$ What is the notation for the upper quartile?? $$ Q_3 $$ What is the notation for the lower quartile?
3 min read
What is the formula for stopping distances?? $$ \text{stopping distance} = \text{thinking distance} + \text{braking distance} $$ What affects reaction time in the context of stopping distances?? Tiredness Alcohol Drugs Other passengers What are the two factors that affect stopping distance?? Reaction time Speed of the vehicle Assuming a constant velocity ($v$) during reaction time, what is the formula for thinking distance?? $$ s = vt $$ What are the three factors that affect braking distance?
2 min read
See [[Physics - SUVAT Equations]]S , it’s largely the same. If you have two cars which decelerate the same amount ($a$) over the same distance ($s$), which SUVAT equation can you use?? $$ v^2 = u^2 + 2as $$ Two cars, $A$ and $B$, have a $100ms^{-1}$ and $80ms^{-1}$ velocity respectively. Car $B$ reaches a final velocity of $0ms^{-1}$. Car $A$ reaches a final velocity of $x\, ms^{-1}$. They decelerate the same amount ($a$) over the same distance ($s$).
1 min read
When is terminal velocity reached?? When the resultant force on a falling object is zero. What’s the formula for percentage difference?? $$ \text{percentage difference} = \frac{\text{actual} - \text{yours}}{\text{actual}} $$ What’s an alternative to the words more/less or goes up/down in Physics?? Increases. What’s an alternative to the phrase “balanced forces”?? Net force or resultant force is zero. What is the centre of gravity?? The point on an object at which the entire weight of the object may be considered to act.
2 min read
If the coefficient of $x^3$ is positive, how does a cubic graph look?? PHOTO If the coefficient of $x^3$ is negative, how does a cubic graph look?? PHOTO A cubic equation has roots $-1, 2$ and $3$. Visualise it’s graph?? PHOTO What does a graph of $\frac{1}{x}$ look like?? PHOTO What does a graph of $\frac{1}{x^2}$ look like?? PHOTO What does a graph of $\frac{-2}{x}$ look like?? PHOTO What does a graph of $\frac{-5}{x^2}$ look like?
1 min read
What is the wordy definition of Newton’s second law of motion?? The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force ating on the object, is in the direction of the net force and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. What’s the basic jist of Newton’s second law of motion?? Acceleration is affected in two ways: Increased by more force Decreased by more mass Acceleration is directly proportional to?
5 min read
What does $s$ stand for in SUVAT?? Displacement. What does $u$ stand for in SUVAT?? Initial velocity. What does $v$ stand for in SUVAT?? Final velocity. What does $a$ stand for in SUVAT?? Acceleration. What does $t$ stand for in SUVAT?? Time. What is the acronym for the equations of uniform motion?? SUVAT. By considering PHOTO, what is a general equation for the area under the graph?? $$ \text{area} = ut + \frac{v - u}{2} $$
2 min read