
What data does Pearson’s large data set contain?? Information from weather stations. When did the weather stations in Pearson’s large data set record data?? May-Oct 1987 May-Oct 2015 Why was Oct 1987 of interest?? Because of The Great Storm. What are the units for mean temperature?? ^{\circ} C What are the units for total rainfall?? $mm$ What does tr/trace mean in relation to total rainfall?? Less than 0.05mm rain. What are the units for total sunshine?
2 min read
What is qualatitive data?? Non-numerical values. What is categorical dtaa?? Non-numerical values. What’s an example of qualititive data?? Colour. What is quantitive data?? Numerical values. What is discrete data?? Data that can only have specific, numerical values. What’s an example of discrete data?? Shoe size Number of children What is continious data?? Data that can take any decimal value within a specified range. What is continious qualititive data?? That doesn’t exist. In $20 \leq w < 70$, what does $20$ represent?
1 min read
What are integers?? All numbers without a fractional component. What are numbers without a fractional component called?? Integers. What are rational numbers?? Numbers that can be written in the form $\frac{a}{b}$. What are numbers that can be written as $\frac{a}{b}$ called??' Rational numbers. What are irrational numbers?? Non-recurring decimals. What are non-recurring decimals called?? Irrational numbers. What are real numbers?? Rational and irrational numbers. What the term for rational and irrational numbers?? Real numbers. Backlinks [[Maths - Syllabus]]S Metadata date: 2020-09-23 17:28 tags: - '@?
1 min read
What is $\hat{i}$?? The unit vector in the x direction. What is $\hat{j}$?? The unit vector in the y direction. What is the unit vector in the x direction?? $$ \hat{i} $$ What is the unit vector in the y direction?? $$ \hat{j} $$ What is $\begin{matrix}-2 \ 3\end{matrix}$ in unit vector form?? $$ -2\hat{i} + 3 \hat{j} $$ What is $4\hat{i} - 2\hat{j}$ in column vector form?? $$ \begin{matrix}4 \ -2\end{matrix} $$ What is the magnitude of displacement?
1 min read
Resolving Vectors This links to [[Physics - Combining Vectors]]S , since it’s like doing it in reverse. What is resolving vectors?? Finding the horizontal and vertical component of a vector. What is resolving vectors opposite to…?? Combining a vector. How is the the horizontal component of $F$ written?? $F_x$. What is $F_x$?? The horizontal component of vector $F$. How is the the vertical component of $F$ written?? $F_y$. What is $F_y$?? The vertical component of vector $F$.
2 min read
Combining Vectors Combining Vectors is [[Physics - Resolving Vectors]]S in reverse, or vice-versa. What is the golden rule for adding vectors?? Always add vectors tip to tail. Combine these vectors, a boat moving $10kmh^{-1}$ across a $10kmh^{-1}$ flowing river PHOTO?? PHOTO $\sqrt{10^2 + 10^2} = \sqrt{200} = 10\sqrt{2} kmh^{-1}$ When can Pythagoras be used to combine two vectors?? When two known forces are at a right angle. How can you work out the angle between two forces?
1 min read
How do you find the intersection for something like $y = 5 - 2x$ and $y = 3x^2 + 5x - 3$?? Set them equal to each other and simplify. $5 - 2x = 3x^2 + 5x - 3$ What’s the most amount of times a straight line and a quadratic could intersect?? What’s the least amoount of times a straight line and a quadratic could intersect?? A line of the form $y = mx+c$ with one point of intersection with a quadratic has what relationship?
1 min read
What is a linear model?? A model which works with a straight line. When creating a linear model, how do you need to change $y = mx + c$?? Instead of using $y$ and $x$ you use variables which reflect the context. What is the general ice cream sales equation?? $\text{ice cream sales} = m \times \text{weather} + c$ What’s a common critique of a linear model?? It predicts impossible negative values. What does the gradient in a linear model reflect?
1 min read
When working with triangles in a co-ordinate system, the most important step is?? Drawing a sketch. How can you prove that a triangle is right-angled in a co-ordinate system?? Find the gradients of the lines and prove two are perpindicular. How can you prove two lines are perpindicular?? Show their gradients multiply to give $-1$. How can you prove that a triangle is isoceles in a co-ordinate system?? Show two lines have the same length.
1 min read
What is kinematics?? Analysing the motion of an object (without caring about what causes the motion). Why would $10.1 \pm 0.5ms^{-2}$ be an acceptable value for $g$?? Because the actual value of $g$ is $9.81ms^{-2}$, so the result is within the range of uncertainty. What did Galileo predict about the motion of a falling object?? That its acceleration is uniform. What is the equation for the velocity of a falling object?? $$ v = at $$
2 min read
What is a population?? The whole set of items that are of interest when collecting data. What is a sample?? A subset of a population that is intended to represent the populations. What’s an example of a population?? All humans in the UK All light bulbs in a factory All the cars in Europe What is a sampling unit?? Each individual thing in the population that can be sampled. What is a sampling frame?
5 min read
What is the formula for the midpoint between two points?? $$ (\frac{(x_2 - x_1)}{2}, \frac{(y_2 - y_1)}{2}) $$ What is the formula for the distance between two points?? $$ \sqrt{(y_2 - y_1)^2 + (x_2 - x_1)^2} $$ Pythagoras What is the formula for the gradient between two points?? $$ \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1} = \frac{\text{rise}}{\text{run}} $$ What are the two main ways of expressing the quation of a straight line?? $y = mx + c$ $ax + by + c = 0$ When using the $ax+by+c=0$ form of a straight line equation, there is an expectation that…?
2 min read