
Uncertainty What are the two types of uncertainty?? Absolute uncertainty Percentage uncertainty What is absolute uncertainty?? A number that gives the range of values for an experiment. E.g. $7.3mm \pm 0.2mm$ What is percentage uncertainty equal to for a single measurement?? The resolution of the equipment. What is percentage uncertainty equal to for multiple measurements?? The range of values divided by two. What is the percentage uncertainty for $0.65mm, 0.58mm, 0.62mm$?? $\pm 0.
2 min read
1: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 2: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 3: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 4: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 5: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 6: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 7: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 8: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 9: What is this Vernier calliper reading?? PHOTO 1: What is this micrometer reading?
1 min read
What is variance?? A measure of spread that takes all values into account. What is the mathematical definition of variance, in words?? The average squared distance from the mean. What is the formula for variance?? $$ \sigma^2 = \frac{\sum (x - \bar{x}) ^ 2}{n} $$ Or $$ \sigma^2 = \frac{\sum x^2}{n} - \bar{x}^2 $$ What is the definition of the standard deviation?? The average distance from the mean. What is the formula for standard deviation?? $$ \sigma = \sqrt{\sigma^2} $$
1 min read
Mean The mean is the average value. In stats, it is written as $\bar{x}$ where $x$ is the data. What does $\bar{x}$ mean?? The mean of the values in $x$. What is the notation for the mean of the values in $x$?? $\bar{x}$. What is the formula for mean?? $$ \bar{x} = \frac{\sum x}{n} $$ What does $\sum x$ mean?? The sum of the values in $x$. What is the formula for mean for frequency data?
1 min read
Measures Measures are a set of summary statistics, a set of values to describe data. Measures of Location Maximum Minimum Quartiles Percentiles Deciles Measures of Centeral Tedency Mode Median Mean Measures of Spread Range Standard Deviation Interquartile range Variance When comparing data sets, what two things do you need to comment on?? A measure of location A measure of spread When comparing data sets, what measure of spread could you comment on?
1 min read
Notation $x$ in Algebra vs Stats Similarities Represent the value of some quality Variables can be discrete or continuous Can be part of a larger calculation For example, $2x$ could be double the heights of everyone. This is known as [[Stats - Coding]]S . Differences Variables can represent multiple objects, like a set. Can do operations on $x$ like it’s a collection of values: $\sum x$, the sum of all values in $x$ $\bar{x}$, the mean of all values in $x$.
1 min read
What is uniform acceleration?? Where the acceleration is constant during motion. What is non-uniform acceleration?? Where the acceleration changes during motion. Vector’s quote in Dispicable Me is?? “I commit crimes with both direction and magnitude” Mass is a vector/scalar quantity?? Scalar. Energy is a vector/scalar quantity?? Scalar. Velocity is a vector/scalar quantity?? Vector. Speed is a vector/scalar quantity?? Scalar. Displacement is a vector/scalar quantity?? Vector. Distance is a vector/scalar quantity?? Scalar. How could you describe the velocity of a object moving at a constant speed in a circle?
2 min read
Forces What is the weight of an object?? The force acting vertically downwards. What is the normal reaction?? The force acting perpindicular from a surface when an object is in contact with the surface. What is the normal reaction the same as?? The weight of an object on a surface. What is the name of the force acting perpindicular from a surface on an object resting on the surface?? The normal reaction. What is friction?? The force which opposed the motion between two rough surfaces.
2 min read
Models What is a model?? A model is a simplified representation of a physical situation, made by accepting assumptions. What’s an example of a common assumption?? No air resistance Constant gravity Uniform mass What two questions need to be asked when setting up a mathematical model?? What are your assumptions? What are the variables? If the answer presented by a mathematical model is unreasonable, what should be done?? You should reconsider your assumptions.
4 min read
Units and Prefixes Units and Prefixes are a simple topic but very important and foundational for the rest of physics as a whole. It’s one of those things that are important learning because it improves fluency in thought involving physics problems and having a good conceptual understanding of what the units actually represent can also be helpful. Units What are the two types of units?? Base units Compound units What is a base unit?
3 min read